How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs on Couches and Furniture
Even the most dedicated insect lovers draw the line at bed bugs – and everyone’s on the lookout for a foolproof way of dealing with them. These bugs are extremely difficult to undermine and eradicate; their eggs are not affected by poisons and insecticides. So if you call in the pest exterminator agency, they will fill your rooms with the harshest of pesticides because that is their main method of insect combat and it may not completely handle the problem.
You could be back to square one after spending a night or two in the guest bedroom or on the couch.
The chemical way is not always the best way to go, especially due to the high concentrations of toxins. Not only are they harmful to your health, but also they poison the environment. However, thankfully, a number of herbal and natural treatments are available. Save your kids and pets from the toxic effects of these chemicals and help create a greener, cleaner environment.
Detection and Identification of Bed Bugs
The first thing you need to do is detect the presence of bed bugs in your home, and make sure you’ve identified the infestation correctly. They can be fairly hard to spot, especially since they can go months without feeding and are usually nocturnal. They also feed on their hosts without the hosts realizing it. In case you get bed bug bites, you will notice small red welts on your back.
In appearance, bed bugs are small, flat, and brown in color. Should you suspect an infestation, look at the cushion seams, headboards, furniture frames, and so on for small brown dots of bug feces which they leave behind, or small white dots, which are their eggs.
Herbal Treatments for Bed Bugs
The herbal treatment is far preferable to costly chemicals which could also have health effects. A herbal solution can be made to discourage bed bugs from approaching either you or your furniture. Essential oils are the best options, as they are highly concentrated and the smell itself is usually enough to put pests off. Such oils are produced through the process of distillation, and will therefore be quite potent even when diluted.
Herbal Bed Bug Sprays
You can make your own bed bug spray recipe using by mixing a cup of water, and 10 drops each of rosemary, lavender, and eucalyptus essential oils. An additional 3 drops of clove essential oil is purely optional. Place the solution in a spray bottle and shake it well. The spray is known to act is a fantastic deterrent, though try to keep it diluted since a highly concentrated mixture may stain your furniture and induce nausea. Best of all, the spray is oil based, so you don’t need to worry about grease.
Other Natural Means of Discouraging Bed Bugs
Sachets of herbs can actually keep bed bugs away from your things, putting them off due to the smell. In fact, it is a fantastic idea to keep such sachets in drawers where you keep your clothes.
You can make the herb sachet by mixing together a cup of eucalyptus leaves (dried), ten large cloves, and half a cup each of dried lavender buds and rosemary. Put the mixture into little muslin bags, which you can then place at strategic points. It’ll act as a deterrent for bed bugs and make your furniture smell pleasant as well.