How Over Masturbation Can Affect Your Sexual Health And Lovemaking Performance?

Author: Aldrich Alen

Over masturbation refers to frequent ejection of semen by self arousal without having sexual intercourse. Masturbation in a limited number or within limit is beneficial for the health as it increases metabolism, and soothes the nerves. It is generally perform due to the unavailability of a partner for sex, but there may also be other reasons. In the line of the maxim excess of everything is bad, excessive or over masturbation is highly detrimental to a healthy sex life. Generally masturbating two or three times a week is over masturbation, and it produces serious physiological and psychological complications.

The ill effects of over masturbation are weakening of nerves of genitals. The penis remains flaccid even after sexual arousal. It is unable get erection. and the disorder is described as erectile dysfunction. It leads further to sexual dysfunction which is characterized by incapability to penetrate and last long on the bed. The person concerned is susceptible to premature ejaculation, leaking of semen and nightfall. The sperm count is also adversely affected. He is unable to satisfy his partner, and suffers from guilt feeling. Other psychological fall outs of the conditions are depression, anxieties, stress and low confidence. In this way; excessive masturbation seriously affects one’s performance on bed, and is highly detrimental to one’s sexual health.

However, the ill effects of over masturbation can be effectively treated preferably by genuine herbal products. The numerous products claiming to be herbal and effective in ameliorating the conditions arising out excessive masturbating may not really be herbal and effective. Most of the products are spurious containing artificial substances as ingredients that produce temporary relief. The best herbal products that can effectively treat the conditions arising out of excessive masturbation are NF Cure capsule, Shilajit capsule and Mast Mood oil. All these contain genuine and natural rare herbs.

While NF Cure capsules contain Ashwagandha, Kesar, Shilajit, Safed Musli, Laung, Lauh Bhasm, and Pipal to name just a few the Shilajit capsule contains Sudh Shilajit. All these contain medicinal properties that effectively correct disorders of excessive masturbation. The NF Cure and Shilajit capsules increase blood circulation in the genitals, strengthen body muscles including pelvic muscles, and reduce tension and stress. The Mast Mood oil is also an herbal product, and is massaged on the penis regularly. It strengthens penile nerves that become capable of holding more blood, and the erectile dysfunction is taken care of. Hence, NF Cure and Shilajit capsules along with Mast Mood oil can work wonders on the ill effects of over masturbation.

Read about Over Masturbation Cure Treatment. Also know Semen Volume Enhancer Pills Supplements. Read about Male Sex Enhancer Pills.