How to care for your John Deere backhoe pump

Author: Universal Positions

If you operate a John Deere backhoe, you know what hard work is all about. You also know that your John Deere is a very reliable, tough machine. You may not know, however, that you can save a lot of money, time and aggravation by simply getting your John Deere backhoe pump serviced regularly.

These backhoe pumps deliver huge power. They’re therefore under huge stress on a regular basis. The pumps take the entire workload, and over time, they’re likely to develop minor faults, which if not fixed become major, expensive, faults.

Usually, the issues are seals, or component stress. John Deeres can keep working with minor defects, but there’s a natural decline in performance. If your John Deere seems to be a bit less efficient, or if you’re doing basic backhoe work which seems to take longer than usual, you’ve probably got the beginnings of a problem of some kind.

Best practice for John Deere backhoes is simple, quick, and doesn’t cost much:

  1. Find a John Deere specialist service – Non specialists may not be able to replace parts, and the John Deeres need top quality parts to work with their high performance assemblies.
  2. Arrange a schedule within your work timeframes for regular maintenance – Pick a time between jobs, and just get a check done.
  3. Don’t allow any performance problems to continue, because these problems can damage the machine and require a lot more expensive maintenance.

We’ve found a good example of one of the best John Deere hydraulic pump services for you as an example of the type of service you need. This is a company called Kin-Tec Industries Inc. in Missouri, and they’re real specialists in John Deere pumps of all kinds.

They do a complete service job, including full disassembly of the pump, cleaning, inspection of components and seals, and precision made John Deere-specific replacement parts if necessary. This type of service is very thorough, and there’s no risk of substandard work or parts. (John Deeres tend to be too tough for low grade parts, which simply can’t take the stresses.)

For more information and a firsthand look at a true specialist service for John Deeres, see their website here at