Expectant Mothers Should Know What to Expect

Author: Alan Johns

The Fort Worth obstetrics team of physicians and nurses work together to ensure that expectant mothers maintain the glow of good health throughout pregnancy. Of course, along with excitement comes anxiety and the team understands that there are questions to be answered; for example, will the new mom opt for natural childbirth or will she want anesthetics? What are the birthing rooms like? What if additional care is needed for the new baby? Providing guidance along the learning curve as well as personalized care helps mothers-to-be approach the delivery stage with confidence.

Prenatal Care is for Moms and Babies

During the first trimester—the first 12 weeks of pregnancy—you will learn about the changes in your body and about fetal development. There will be routine tests such as a physical exam and blood tests, you’ll learn how to take care of yourself while pregnant and you’ll find out the baby’s due date. During the second trimester, weeks 13 through 26, your weight gain, the baby’s growth and movement will all be checked and there will be additional lab tests. There may also be an ultrasound so that doctors may examine the baby’s anatomy. During the third trimester, week 27 until birth, your weight will again be checked and your blood pressure monitored along with the baby’s heartbeat and movements. You can visit thcobgyn to learn more about prenatal care.

Attending Childbirth 101

A childbirth class is a great educational opportunity and one in which physical participation assists in the delivery process when the big day comes. From learning to recognize labor when it begins to practicing pain management to touring the birthing facilities, these classes are very helpful for first-time moms and serve as refreshers for those who are repeating the birthing process. The Fort Worth obstetrics team can guide you to childbirth classes you can attend.

Addressing Pregnancy Issues

Your obstetric team stands ready to assist with advice and treatment for problems that may develop during your pregnancy. Swollen feet and ankles are common, for example, and can be relieved by measures such as walking, foot massage and the use of compression stockings. Migraine headaches sometimes develop during pregnancy. Treatment, especially the use of any medications, must be discussed with your doctor, but applying an ice pack to the painful area, drinking cold water and lying down in a darkened room are methods of dealing with the migraine naturally. More serious issues such as preeclampsia (high blood pressure complications) and vaginal bleeding require immediate attention from medical professionals.

Motherhood as a Team Activity

The road to motherhood is lined with people ready to advise you, support you, treat you when necessary and otherwise point you in the right direction so that you can experience the healthiest pregnancy and easiest delivery possible. The Fort Worth obstetrics specialists understand how important it is for babies to be born under safe, serene conditions during a birthing process that is as uncomplicated as possible. With these goals top of mind, they employ the most individualized care and the latest technologies available for expectant mothers.