Knowing the Strength of E-Liquid You’ll Need Will I Need as a Beginner

Author: Miki Barzig

The strength of e-liquids comprises of the nicotine level, the taste and flavour which they are often made of. It’s necessary you consider these features before you start vaping.

The Nicotine level

The nicotine levels of e-liquid vary a lot. If you’re new to electronic cigarettes, you need to be conscious of this. You don’t just start vaping without considering the issue of nicotine strength of the e-liquid contained in the e-cig cartridge. Given below are vital points you need to know.

  • The nicotine strength level varies from zero levels to 4% and above. The variation depends on a number of factors. The major factor is your current status as an e-cig smoker. If you’re just starting out, it’s important you go for zero% level of nicotine. You can see e-liquids in several milligrams that have zero level of nicotine. They are known to be less harmful when used.
  • Zero% level nicotine e-liquids are known to be very affordable. You don’t have to spend much just to purchase them. You can also start with them if you’re new to electronic cigarette. They are also known for having sweet smelling flavours.
  • Higher percent levels nicotine e-liquids are also available in diverse milligrams. You can still go for them if you’re getting much experience in smoking electronic cigarette. However, it’s highly recommended you dilute the nicotine strength to a level you can easily manage.

The Taste and Flavour

How does e-liquid taste? Does it taste like the normal traditional tobacco cigarette? You might be wondering about this! Well, the point is that e-liquid has its very unique taste in most electronic cigarette. The taste is quite different since there is no combustion just like the case with traditional tobacco cigarette.

You can try some best e-liquid flavours, Basically e-liquid comes in very unique flavours depending on the manufacturing company. Some e-liquids come with vanilla flavours while others taste differently.

In any case, the taste and flavour depend so much on the vapour creating agents used in manufacturing e-liquids. Some are made of "Propylene Glycol" (PG) while others are made of "Vegetable Glycerin" (VG). Some come with a combination of PG and VG agents. The PG-based e-liquids are known to be very juicy and also have lesser vapour. On the other hand, the VG-based e-liquids are not juicy. They also produce more vapour.

Making the right choice

Having seen the above, it’s left for you to make choices when you smoke electronic cigarette. The rule of the thumb is to take things easy when you’re just starting out. You need to start with e-liquids that have zero level nicotine strength. It’s also good you start with PG-based e-liquids. As you gain experience in vaping, you can go for e-liquids that have higher nicotine levels, taste and flavours. You can be sure of having a great time when you keep vaping with caution. It’s always good you ask questions or make further inquiries if you’re in doubt about using e-liquids. You ask older e-cigs smokers about their experience. You can be sure of making unique discoveries when you take out time to carry out necessary inquiries.