SEO Optimization - How to Master the SEO Optimization Process in Four Easy Steps

Author: Sibyl Jolie

Se optimization (SEO) is a critical part of any internet marketing campaign. This short article will outline the four phases of the SEO process. Before, we proceed, I want to mention a statement I've made over recent years. Many marketers including some of my past and current clients experienced the belief that SEO is all about being ranked on the initial page of Google.

This really is partly true, but SEO optimization is so much more than that. It truly is the building block of your web marketing efforts. Without implementing SEO strategies or at the least being alert to SEO concepts, you will have a tougher time driving targeted visitors to your website.

It is my intention to impress upon you with this article, the importance of using SEO optimization while the building block of your marketing campaigns. From site conception through development and to promotion, SEO can be utilized every step of the way. Okay then, we shall continue on... the four main components of the SEO process is:

SEO Analysis - Here is the beginning step and without finding the time to perform this first amount of the method, you may have a tougher time attracting targeted visitors to your website. Without targeted visitors, your conversions will suffer. SEO analysis includes keyword research, researching your targeted market and competition research. Do not allow the term "research" to scare you off. This first faltering step forms the foundation for the remaining process.

SEO Optimization - The next step in the process is usually called "on-site" or "on-page" SEO. This task is not so difficult at all, however most marketers don't fully know what it requires to optimize their webpages. On site optimization includes the utilization of title tags, meta tags and keyword optimized content.

SEO Development/Site Architecture - Identifies how the pages within the web site are connected to at least one another for seo optimizacija. Including site navigation, internal links and a niche site map.

SEO Promotion- This is actually the final step and is often referred to as "off-site" optimization and includes link building.

They're the four components which make up the SEO process. Unfortunately most new marketers make the fatal mistake of jumping in the last step (SEO promotion) before applying the initial three steps.