IBM C4090-457 Certification Exam - Practice Test With Sample Questions

Author: Yumna Issa

IBM has a very leading name in the IT industry, and if your name is associated with it due to any IBM certification, then your career will groom for sure. The C4090-457, IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation V1 exam will test your skills and knowledge.

Exam pattern:

Before you appear in the exam, it is very important for you to understand the pattern of the exam well. IBM certification is not so easy to achieve however, candidate with good knowledge and better skills and achieve it. The test comprises 78 questions. Candidate will be given 105 minutes to attempt the whole test. If he fails to attempt at least 67% of the test if will have to reappear in the exam. Required passing score is only 62%. The test is only available in English language.

Exam contents:

For clearing C4090-457 IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation V1, it is very important to know about the contents and their weight age in the exam. You can get yourself prepared well, once you have got the idea of contents which the exam will be covering. The list of contents that you should be preparing is listed below.

  • Hardware installation and initial configuration
  • Host attach
  • External virtualization and data migration
  • Additional disk configuration
  • Easy tier
  • Copy services
  • Real time compression
  • Clustering
  • User management
  • Troubleshooting

Exam information:

If you are an IT professional, then you should go for this IBM storewize V7000 Implementation V1. This test will help you grow your career. Advanced knowledge is the key factor that you will be needed to pass this test. C4090-457, IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation V1 tests have especially been designed for someone who has job experience. They can work more efficiently. This test has a great value and there is high level of acceptance in the IT industry of the whole world.

Targeted Audience for the exam:

Best expertise, who can work efficiently are usually the targeted candidates for IBM storewize V7000 implementation V1. In the present world, one cannot overlook the skills needed for the job. If anyone wants to get progress in the world he will have to update his knowledge and skills. Although, it is not easy for the individuals to maintain his knowledge and keep it up to date. So, for this purpose, IBM has started certification exam. These certifications will help you lead the IT industry.

Before appearing in the exam, candidates should have to use the best preparation material and sample questions to prepare the exam well. In this case CertifyGuide, a well-known vendor always provides free PDF questions with answers and full study material to prepare exam easily and pass it with high success rate. Once you use training kits from Certify Guide, then you can pass exam within first try, and get certified with IBM Certified Specialist.

Requirements for Appearing for IBM storewize V7000 Implementation V1:

To be able to pass this exam a candidate should have following abilities: He should have good knowledge of hardware. He should be able to work and face every kind of environment. He should be well experienced to work in associated enterprise IT technology.

CertifyGuide provides maximum number of questions and answers related to IBM Certified Specialist test and C4090-456 exam.