Latest IBM Certified Associate C2010-595 Certification Exam Study Material

Author: Yumna Issa

After passing their exam, candidate can serve his industry in the better way because of the world wide importance of IBM. IBM is a trusted organization of the IT sector. IBM is a leading corporation in the industry of Information technology. C2010-595, IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.5 Fundamentals boosts your career if you want to go higher in the job. Many career opportunities, a candidate can avail by passing this exam. The IBM Maximo Asset management tests the abilities and skills of the person. IBM certification is very important these days and its scope is very high in the world.

People having these certifications are preferred everywhere in the world because IBM certification is accepted worldwide. So, if you really want to groom your personality and career, you should acquire C2010-595 certificate. C2010-595, IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.5 Fundamentals certification not only helps you get the knowledge of the IT but it also gives the experience and skills of working in various industries related to IT.


Topics that are covered by exam are:

  • Asset management skills
  • Knowledge of work management and planning
  • Abilities in the field of purchasing and receiving
  • Inventory and service management skills
  • Navigation and reporting techniques
  • Preventive maintenance

Target audience:

It is an intermediate level exam which has targeted the people who have extensive knowledge to plan, configure maintain the products. That person should be able to perform these tasks

  • Planning, installation and migration
  • Configuration
  • Security
  • Administration
  • Availability
  • Monitoring
  • Performance tuning
  • Problem determination
  • Before passing the test, a person should have these skills
  • Basic understanding of security concepts and protocols
  • Basic knowledge of networking concepts
  • Working knowledge of IBM MQ

Tips to pass the exam:

A person should be able to understand the parameters on which this exam actually based on and also the description. We should know the topics that the exam will be covering. The best way to prepare for C2010-595, IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.5 Fundamentals is first of all compare your skill level with the objective of the test and then determine by yourself that how much knowledge or skills you are required you can do this by taking any sample test that should be according to the real exam pattern. You can also take help from the CertifyGuide, to use the study material and training kits with sample questions in case of preparation of this exam. Our preparation guides are prepared by the professionals of IBM Certified Associate.

Exam pattern:

The exam is offered in Japanese and English language. There will be 46 multiple choice questions. The total duration of exam will be 1 hour and 15 minutes. Passing criteria of the exam is not too high. It is just 67%. Candidate who is not able to attain 67% marks will be considered fail.

There is no limit on the number of tries that individual makes to pass the test. You can try it again if you could not pass it in first attempt. If the candidate is facing any problem he can contact IBM Company.

Get to know more about the Latest and Workable Study Material for IBM Certified Associate Study Guides and C2010-515 Test.