Dangers of home abortion methods
Abortion in itself a mini surgery and you never know what might blunder. A lot of women, especially in the developing countries, consider it as a stigma. Therefore, they prefer going for home abortion techniques. The women who think of aborting at home are not aware about the serious consequences that may follow. The ignorance can lead to serious health issues. In case, you are planning to terminate the pregnancy, it is very important to consider following risks that may wait at the corner.
The risks to a female’s body
You need to understand that the times of everything taking place at home have long gone. These days there are medical experts for everything and also, there are no home-remedies or natural procedures to help you do away with the pregnancy without serious risks. The natural processes should therefore be left only for treating minor issues like a pimple of the face. In abortion case, you simply cannot do it at home because there is the risk to your body. It may leave you crippled off your uterus for life, thus ending all further scopes of pregnancy. So, the decision should be taken with utmost care.
Incomplete abortion procedure
There is a whole process of abortion, which includes Dilation as well as Curettage. In the home abortion method, you may risk leaving the dead foetus inside your womb, which can be very dangerous. With the complete process, whatever is left inside is taken out and ensured that your uterus is completely clean. However, in the home procedure, the part of foetus may remain inside, while just the fragments or tissues may be extracted.
Excessive bleeding
Every woman undergoing abortion will experience bleeding after abortion. However, excess of bleeding is definitely not natural. This may be a sign of torn cervix, tubes or uterus. Abortion at home can result in excessive bleeding. Therefore it is never recommended to take this risk.
Higher chances of infections
The most dangerous risk of home abortion is infection. The infections related to abortion can be common. However, in worse cases, there may be an increased level of infection that can result in infertility or can be even fatal.
Mental trauma
A lot of women experience psychological imbalance. Depression is one of the most common problems among women undergone abortion. When a woman plans home abortion, she devoids herself of professional medical counselling, which can lead to serious mental trauma.
Despite so much medical awareness, its quite bizarre that many educated women too prefer choosing the home abortion methods documented on the Internet by a range of shady websites. Abortion or pregnancy termination is not a usual thing and women need to understand this fact. The risks and dangers you are putting yourself into by doing this are many. Therefore, it is highly recommended that women go for proper medical abortion procedures at the registered clinics under right supervision. Inability to do so and practicing this technique at home can lead to a lot more dangers than the ones mentioned above.
Tampa Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortions, physical examinations, family planning and counseling. Abortion Clinic.