Advanced Technology Makes Bridal Liposuction for Women Safe and Effective

Author: Carl White

Nowadays, people do all sorts of things to make their weddings really special. For the bride, it’s all about looking her best, and plastic surgery lends a helping hand. In fact, bridal liposuction has become one the main items in the wedding day to-do list of many women as it helps resolve those pesky inches that don’t respond to pre-wedding diets or rigorous workouts.

Making the decision to have a surgical procedure to remove stubborn deposits of fat was once a difficult decision as it involves scarring and bruising. But not any longer! Advanced laser technology has enhanced the safety and effectiveness of body contouring. The advantage of a technology such as SmartLipo Triplex is that it can even treat delicate areas like the face and neck in addition to larger areas like the abdomen, flanks, arms and thighs. Established plastic surgery practices offer bridal liposuction packages to trim and sculpt the body from top to toe.

Comprehensive Bridal Liposuction Package

Customized bridal liposuction procedures are offered to slim and tone various areas of the body and provide solutions for every woman’s specific concerns. The most common areas treated include

>> Cheeks, jowls, and neck

>> Abdomen and waistline

>> Upper arms

>> Breasts

>> Hips and buttocks

>> Knees, calves and ankles

>> Inner and outer thighs

Facial liposuction helps address jowls and improves chin and jaw definition. Sculpting the arms and back is important for brides planning an off-the-shoulder neckline.

Smartlipo Triplex Laser Lipo – Short procedure with Minimal Downtime

Laser lipo is usually performed as an out-patient procedure under local anesthesia. The treatment itself is quite simple compared to conventional surgical procedures. A small laser-enabled cannula is inserted into the skin at the treatment site and laser energy delivered to liquefy the fat cells. The liquefied fat can then be easily suctioned off. The SmartLipo Triplex platform is also designed to provide skin tightening effects. Its intelligent delivery systems allow focused tissue targeting and prevent overtreatment.

Bridal liposuction treatment can provide you a well toned body in minimal downtime. There will be a little bruising and scarring and that’s why it’s important to plan your procedure a few weeks in advance of the wedding.

If you are considering body contouring treatment, the most important thing is to have it performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. This will ensure safe treatment and optimal results. Bridal liposuction treatment can provide you with an improved figure, boosting your confidence and helping you look beautiful in the wedding gown of your choice.