How to maintain the efficiency of AGM Batteries for longer terms?
Batteries are the critical components of every energy system which is involved in the intermittent power source such as intermittent grid, solar PV systems, diesel generations etc. The AGM Batteries serve as a great source of storing the energy which can be used later on for running a variety of appliances. GM is the abbreviation for Absorbed Glass Mat which is best for the construction of batteries. According to the AGM Batter Manufacturers California based, these batteries although contain lead plates but the construction of plates and the manner in which the electrolyte is exposed to these plates are quite different. The system inside these batteries is quite simple. The finely woven Boron Silicate glass fibre mats are used for absorbing the electrolyte. The mats are always placed in the space available between the two plates.
- Tips for maintenance:
- It is very important to charge the AGM batteries to full as often as possible. This will be helpful in maintaining the efficiency of the battery for a longer period of time.
- Always make sure that you never discharge your bank below 50 percent state of charge. The AGM battery manufacturers California based provide standard smart chargers for carrying the charging work. They are capable of offering you the safe temperature compensated charging.
- The best thing about these AGM batteries is that they require minimum maintenance. The charging rates are quite flexible. The AGM batteries are capable of charging at the rate of 75 percent of their capacity.
- AGM batteries can easily be stored because they are less prone to leakages and fumes. Although these batteries are bit more expensive but they are capable of handling a multitude of roles. They can be used as efficient starting batteries for carrying out the deep cycling applications. It can also be used as standby batteries for managing the critical powered appliance and systems.
- The longer life expectancy, robustness and performance of these batteries are truly unparalleled. It will undoubtedly serve as a great investment for both residential and commercial applications. These batteries will bring out best value for your investment.
- One of the major advantages associated with these batteries is that they are recombinants. It means that during the charging process, the hydrogen and oxygen get combined and leads to the formation of water. Hence we can say that in the charging process of AGM Batteries, a little loss of water and hydrogen emission takes place. This proves that these batteries liberate neutral by products which are less harmful for the environment in comparison with their counterparts.
So, if you are looking for some reliable battery then AGM battery is an ideal selection for carrying of your camping applications.