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Boost Your Immune System with these Fast Fixes

Author: Amitava Sarkar
by Amitava Sarkar
Posted: Aug 21, 2015

Did you know your lifestyle can affect how well your immune system works? Poor dietary choices and bad health habits can have adverse effects in a surprising number of ways. For instance, not eating a healthy diet can result in weight gain which then results in fatigue. When you feel run down, you're much more likely to have an immune system that isn't working at a hundred percent, which in turn means you're more than likely to pick up a virus. This is also why not getting enough sleep can cause you to get sick more easily. Of course, being stressed doesn't help either, causing increased blood pressure and insomnia. Poor eating habits can also result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which again make it tough for your body to fight off viruses and infections. The good news is that with a few lifestyle changes and smart choices, you can easily turn things around and head into cold and flu season feeling good and with a strong immune system. Read on to discover how to fix the mistakes that are making you sick and boost your immune system, fast.

  • Get enough sleep. Researchers admit they don't know exactly how sleep boosts the immune system, but they do know that getting seven to nine hours of sleep is important for good health and a strong immune system. Lack of sleep causes higher levels of stress hormones in the body and may also cause inflammation. Studies have shown that the flu vaccine is more effective in well rested people, so make sure you're getting enough shuteye.
  • Exercise. Just a 30-minute walk each day can help boost your immune system. Exercising not only boosts "feel-good" chemicals in your body (endorphins) but also helps you sleep better. These two things alone are good for your immune system. However, exercise also boosts your energy level and overall fitness level so it's worth it to get moving on a regular basis.
  • Feed your immune system. Beta carotene, zinc, and vitamins C and E are big immune boosters. Fresh and brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, kale, citrus fruits, berries and apples are all great choices. Fresh garlic and shiitake mushrooms are also known for their immune-boosting properties. In addition to a proper diet, you can also try supplements such as
4Life Transfer Factor. (However, always check with your doctor first before adding supplements to your diet.)

  • Relax. Your body doesn't react well to chronic stress. When you're stressed out for long periods of time, hormones are released that suppress your immune system, making you more likely to catch a cold or flu. Meditation has been shown to have extremely beneficial effects, even increasing flu antibodies in those who meditated over an eight-week period. This increased immune response was shown to still be in effect four months later.
  • Socialize. Connecting with other people is another way to reduce stress and boost your immune system. Studies have shown that those who feel connected to other people actually have stronger immunity than those who don't.
  • Laugh. Having a good laugh not only lowers stress but it also increases production of a type of infection-fighting white blood cell. Even just anticipating something funny helps. According to one study, men who were told three days in advance they were going to watch a funny video showed a drop in stress hormones.

Keep in mind that while eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep are important, so is getting together and having a laugh with good friends.

About the Author : Beth A. Stevens is a wellness expert and contributing writer who enjoys helping clients make healthier choices and live happier lives.

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Author: Amitava Sarkar

Amitava Sarkar

Member since: Nov 27, 2014
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