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CAD Drawings Ensure Quality Of Delivery

Author: Mr Ghood
by Mr Ghood
Posted: Aug 28, 2015

In a demanding market, any architecture company is only as good as its latest design - clients want proof that you can deliver a fine combination of a robust structure that makes the best use of the land available to build on, with an attractive outlook and well laid-out interiors that maximise the usable space, and all of the usual utilities placed where they will not interfere with one another and can be accessed when maintenance work is needed. CAD drawings give you a head start on all of these things, even before the first shovel breaks ground.

Whereas once upon a time, buildings may have been designed by an architect or mason with decades of experience, or a degree in engineering just to understand where the load-bearing structures must be placed, much of that expertise is now a luxury rather than an essential; CAD drawings can show the load on any one part of the building, with the software itself capable of working out how best to reduce any stress points by adjusting the position of beams and braces elsewhere.

This is visible in the most ambitious construction projects taking place worldwide - our offices in the United Arab Emirates are working on probably the biggest and most eye-catching new buildings on the planet, many of which would be literally impossible to create without the help of detailed CAD Services and 21st century methods of both the design stage and the physical building phase. Even in the UK, new developments break ground on a daily basis, easing the demand for affordable housing, raising new places to work from the ground up, and serving communities with shops, restaurants, hospitals and so on.

In architecture, it's best to make your mistakes on the drawing board, and CAD drawings are the digital equivalent of pen and paper architectural plans. 3D computer aided design places you in a virtual world that resembles the real world down to the finest detail, where you can raise your structure from its footings to its roof without spending a penny on materials or building labour; in this way, the investment made in the design phase is money well spent, and every pound spent will repay you several times over in terms of money saved later into the delivery of the project.

About the Author

The Cad Room provides complete Bim Compliance solutions, specialising in mechanical and electrical building Bim Services in UK

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Author: Mr Ghood

Mr Ghood

Member since: Dec 08, 2014
Published articles: 58

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