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Going the Extra Mile By Dr. Donald Sonn

Author: John Smith
by John Smith
Posted: Sep 29, 2015

An important aspect of success in any worthy endeavor is the willingness to go above and beyond what is expected; going the extra mile. Doing so means for an individual means they apply themselves to their occupations with a positive attitude. In the workplace, having employees that are willing to go the extra mile has crucial benefits to an employer, most notably in increased productivity and lower staff turnover.

For many people, the key behind going the extra mile is feeling valued by their employers. Where employees feel a sense of loyalty to their employers, they are more likely to step up and deliver more than is expected. When the employee feels they can make a significant contribution to the workplace, they will go above and beyond.

As an employer, how do you motivate employees to go the extra mile? Fiery workplace leaders can often have their motivational efforts misinterpreted as asserting authority. Thus, here is how to engage employees to perform above expectations.

Show that you care

As an employer, you need to be more than just a salary provider. Employees appreciate when management goes the extra mile to recognize and show gratitude for working extra hours on a project or taking initiative on a task. To make this easier, communicate your expectations to employees and express what you consider as going the extra mile.

No dead weight

Employees who underperform on the team need to be mentored towards increased productivity, or part ways with them in order to keep the train going. High performing employees are sometimes held back by co-workers who don’t live up to expectations, so clear the dead weight and bring on employees that can succeed in their roles.


Be a transparent and accountable employer. At the sign of challenges, share the news and provide constructive criticism where required. Do not let issues gather a life of their own without addressing them. Such an environment is what causes trust issues between employees and upper management.

Make the right choice

On some occasions your team will be faced with choices that may require taking ethical shortcuts. In such situations, always take the right ethical path. It sets the tone among employees that while the decision might lead to a setback, a person’s character is more important. Making the right choices also creates a culture where people will embrace honesty and truth.

The heart grows tender when you apply yourself beyond what is expected. By going the extra mile in an environment where the actions are valued and reciprocated, you grow in confidence and hope towards success.

Donald Sonn is a professional physician and businessman who strives to perform well both personally and professionally, and knows the importance of going the extra mile to accomplish his goals.

About the Author

The Author writes articles for medical and business field. He has also contributed to Wikipedia, Squidoo and Hubpages. His articles have been published in print as well as online magazines.

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Author: John Smith

John Smith

Member since: Aug 19, 2015
Published articles: 6

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