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The Top 10 Beauty Blunders We're All Making

Author: Elise Thornton
by Elise Thornton
Posted: Oct 17, 2015

We've all made our fair share of beauty mistakes in the past. And let's be honest, we're probably still doing a few of them.

But now, make-up artist Debra Robson has compiled the top 10 make-up blunders of all time. And considering she's an expert, that means they're BAD.

Here are the ones to avoid at all costs:

1. Overdoing the face powder

Poor Demi Lovato. Take note from the A-lister herself, and make sure to dust your face powder on evenly to avoid any blunders – especially if you're feeling pap happy that night. The flash is your enemy.

2. Over-defining your eyebrows

You know the point we just made above? Well, there is a line. Drawing in your brows too thick or in a colour that's five shades darker than your hair will age your face and might result in the clown-effect. Keep it simple and subtle.

3. Too much contouring

The appeal of instant Kim Kardashian cheekbones is obviously a big one, but when you're contouring, make sure not to overdo it to the point where it looks like stage make-up. Remember to dust your bronzer on lightly and blend, blend, BLEND.

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4. Dark foundation and a pale neck

We don't even need to explain this one. Picking a foundation that matches your skintone is pretty much beauty rule 101. Don't forget it.

5. Lipstick on your teeth

You know when you're feeling really sexy and sassy whilst rocking your new vampy plum lip from MAC? Except when you open your mouth, it's smeared all over your teeth? Yeh. Don't do that. Do the finger test by putting it into your mouth with your lips pursed and pulling out slowly to see the ring of lip color that's been removed from the 'danger zone'.

6. Too-dark lipliner

Unless you're going for the '90s Pammy Anderson look, steer clear of this one. Wearing dark lipliner with a pale lipstick makes your pout look obviousy overdrawn.

7. Overplucking your eyebrows

The trend for thick, filled-in brows is bigger than ever, so put down those tweezers, girl. Substantial brows can do wonders for framing your face and giving you angles, whereas sparse brows can make your face look rounder (and permanently surprised). So really, it's a no brainer.

8. Chipped nails

We know, it's easily done. But a messy manicure is a no-no, especially if you're going for a new job, chairing an important meeting or meeting someone new. First impressions are everything.

9. OTT fake tan

Going crazy with your fake tan is the ultimate crime, and a note we wish we could have told our 16-year-old selves... (Oops). The orange look is NAT a good one. Make sure you're glowing in the right way...

10. Wearing too much perfume

You may love your favourite scent, but that doesn't mean everyone else will. And they'll love it even less if they can smell you coming from two streets away. Less is more when it comes to your perfume – a spritz or two will do it.

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Author: Elise Thornton

Elise Thornton

Member since: Aug 20, 2015
Published articles: 79

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