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Six fun ideas to make decluttering easy

Author: Anna Preston
by Anna Preston
Posted: Oct 31, 2015

If your home is groaning under the weight of trinkets, treasures and things you no longer need, it could be time to do a spot of decluttering. British people are natural hoarders and even the tidiest looking home probably has a cupboard, attic or basement that is simply packed with useless junk. Living with less stuff means less to clean and an easier home to keep tidy, but getting started on your decluttering adventure can be a major hurdle.

Sorting out junk is never going to be easy, but by taking it one step at a time you can get there in the end. Here are some top tips to help you make a start if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand.

  1. Make a list: Write down all the areas (drawers, cupboards, piles of junk) that need sorting out. Now pick one, because this is where the clever bit comes in. Work on that area until it is done and then stop. By taking a bite size chunk of this problem each day, you can achieve great things in time and still fit it into your schedule.
  2. Grab a bin bag: Set yourself a little challenge to see how quickly you can fill a bin bag. It’s up to you whether you fill the bag with actual rubbish or with things to go to charity. Time yourself, and next time you do it try to beat your record.
  3. Use four boxes: Whenever you go to try a bit of decluttering, take four boxes or containers with you. Each one will represent keep it, throw it away, give it away or move it somewhere else. This will make it easy to sort through a big pile of junk in no time.
  4. Experiment with your hangers: Take all your clothes hangers and turn them the wrong way round. When you wear something, put it back on its hanger and turn it around the right way. After 6 months you should have a fair idea of which clothes you might want to consider getting rid of.
  5. Five minute blast: Got five minutes? Open that cluttered draw and… go! Tackling things in five minute blasts means your schedule will stay intact and you’ll maintain your motivation for longer. Set a timer on your watch or phone so you stick to only the five minute slot.
  6. The 10-10-10 challenge: Have a competition between people in your household to locate 10 things to throw away, 10 things to give to charity and 10 things to put back in their correct place. Kids will love this game too, and the end result is a fun and fast way to sort out thirty things in your home.
Decluttering a whole house all in one go is only going to get you down and make you reluctant to do it anymore so start decluttering in easy steps. Start small and work your way up, tackling things in smaller, more manageable chunks to maintain your motivation and see the task through. You might not feel like you’re achieving very much, but over time you’ll be blasting through great areas of the house and making a massive impact.
About the Author

The author has written and published articles on a wide range of topics including Small Business Advice, Tax and Accounting, Interior Design, House Renovation and Project Management.

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Author: Anna Preston
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Anna Preston

Member since: Apr 29, 2015
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