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DCAA Compliance Accounts Preparation By The Expert

Author: James Larry
by James Larry
Posted: Nov 02, 2015

Whether you are already working on projects for the United States government, or are trying to vie for it for the first time, you have to be aware of the complex audit system that the Defense Contract Audit Agency or the DCAA conducts. In fact, even the mere thought of producing the list of right documents especially putting the accounts the way they approve is enough to trigger distress signals even among the veterans. The DCAA that is under the direct authority and control of the Secretary of Defense is responsible for carrying out all the audits before the award of contracts for government project jobs.

The stringent requirements

The stipulations in the accounts that you have to abide by for getting past in a DCAA audit are imposed so as to prevent any inefficient, careless waste of the public money. The key to successfully pass it is to abide by the dcaa compliance accounting systems. Taking into account the stringent requirements, this is a field that only veterans with expertise in the particular area are capable of dealing with. In the case of small and medium-sized contractors, it is advisable that you get your necessary accounts ready under the supervision of an experienced DCAA accounts expert.

The right documentation

The experienced auditors will advise you to play it safe regarding all documentation and supporting evidence. It is only the trained and experienced eyes that can project the right dcaa compliance details in your accounts for maximizing your reimbursements. Also, such an auditor will prepare the accounts for the job on the basis of understanding of the process and the objective of the DCAA auditors. The necessary support that you get from such an auditor will eliminate the need for any other company auditor.

The clauses and the requirements

It is important that you prepare the accounts to pass the DCAA audit, as well as avoid penalty. In cases of fixed cost contract jobs, preparing the accounts may be relatively easy as long as it meets the pricing data according to the FAR Subpart 15.4. But in the case of reimbursable costs contract, all your accounts must be compliant with the requirements of FAR Subpart 16.3. The circumstances of each contractor differ and making your company accounts DCAA compliance will need professional expertise.

The appropriate roadmap

The experienced auditor will be able to provide you with a roadmap that will enable the contractor to prepare supporting documents for the accounts according to the DCAA objectives. Very often, corrections in the existing accounts are made by these experienced auditors so that your accounts can pass the test. It needs the knowledge of someone who has worked several years as a DCAA auditor to know how the system works and what will be approved.

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Author: James Larry

James Larry

Member since: Nov 02, 2015
Published articles: 1

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