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Linje Rivers: The Perks of Working for the Government

Author: John Smith
by John Smith
Posted: Nov 18, 2015

Linje Rivers is a Senior Attorney that works as Assistant Counsel for Florida Office of Financial Regulation. His dream is to work for a major state or federal government agency as General Counsel. Working for the government is a great way to have an amazing career and make a difference for your community and country.

There are many benefits that government employees get that are very attractive when considering working for the government during your career. For one thing, government employees have 26 three day weekends per year! The government has exceptional benefits, health insurance, paid vacation and sick leave.

You can be sure that when you work for the government, you are a contributing force to some very important projects, ranging from homeland security to vaccinations for low-income areas. You can work for the government in almost any area of the country, not just in Washington DC.

Whatever your projected career path, you may find that the government has an opportunity for you regardless of your career. The government needs graphic designers, attorneys, biologists or security. You may just find that the perfect job for you is available with a government salary and government benefits.

The government also has ample opportunities for advancement, based on your diligence to your job. A lot of government agencies have Individual Development Plans that map out what you want your government career to look like. There are also Merit Promotion Programs to ensure that you are promoted when you are working hard and performing well.

One thing that draws people to the government for their career is the job security. Once you have a job in the government, you have a much, much lower risk of losing your job than if you are with any other kind of employer.

Though some may say that the hiring process is too difficult, that bureaucracy is a problem with the government, or that government jobs are affected by politics, there are still many, many ways to make a difference for the country and the world when you work for the government. You have to realize that making a difference doesn’t happen overnight, and it may take years of dedication to achieve some of your goals, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it.

Linje Rivers loves his current job with the government and hopes to continue to make an impact through a long partnership with it.

About the Author

The Author writes articles for law and business field. He has also contributed to Wikipedia, Squidoo and Hubpages. His articles have been published in print as well as online magazines.

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Author: John Smith

John Smith

Member since: Sep 01, 2015
Published articles: 7

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