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Organic Gardening- An Art and Skill for Better Yield!

Author: Sun State Organics
by Sun State Organics
Posted: Nov 27, 2015

Organic gardening has been around for thousands of years now but slowly with the invention and use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers conventional gardening became dominant over it, as it gave an increased produce as compared to organic gardening. With the rise in awareness about the ill effects of these pesticides and synthetic fertilizers on our body people now want to revert back to organic gardening in every possible way.

Conventional gardening spoils the natural balance of the soil because of continuous use of synthetic fertilizers and harmful pesticides. These fertilizers and pesticides kill the beneficial insects and microbes present in the soil and deprive the soil of its natural ability to regulate moisture. They decrease the nutritional value of the food and can cause cancer and other disorders in the body.

Organic gardening reduces the intake of harmful chemicals into the body to a very large extent because it uses only naturally occurring pesticides, fertilizers etc. It doesn’t use the conventional fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones or toxic artificial additives which cause diseases like cancer. It allows the fruits and vegetables to retain their goodness and nutrients. Organic gardening uses compost, beneficial insects and other natural means for the healthy growth of the plants. It might be a little expensive initially but in the long run it improves the quality of your garden soil and yields healthy and much better growth and harvest. The compost can be made at home with the organic waste of vegetables and fruit peels, leftovers etc. Vermicompost can also be made at home, thus cutting down the cost of gardening drastically. For a better production, one should choose plants that thrive well in their area and are disease resistant.

There are several benefits of organic gardening such as:

  • The health benefits include the decreased risk of getting diseases like breast cancer, infertility, Parkinson’s, miscarriages, depression, childhood leukemia etc. Other than these the organic gardening reduces stress, exercises your muscles, makes you happy and increases your vitamin D in the body because of the regular exposure to sunlight.
  • Environmentally, the non usage of chemical pesticides and fertilizers helps in retaining of all the good nutrients by the plants and the healthy culture of the soil thus benefitting all the species. So indirectly it balances the nature and benefits the larger ecosystem, as a number of other creatures such as birds, insects, bees, butterflies, amphibians etc are dependent on it.
  • It doesn’t pollute the environment as all the things used for organic farming are natural and it is inexpensive and self re-generating as its homegrown and the compost is free.
  • It produces the most healthy vegetables, fruits, flowers etc and is sustainable as the soil is maintained and improved continuously and the plants are no longer dependent on chemical fertilizers for a healthy growth.

Organic gardening ensures that the food you are putting in your mouth is safe, healthier, free of toxins and full of vitamins and minerals. It also tastes better than the conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. Supporting an organic lifestyle therefore will make a difference in your life as well as the world. So make it a way of your life!

About the Author

Sun State Organic offers an amazing range of gardenic products and supplies besides sharing authentic information about the art of gardening. Read more Articles Related To....Urban Farming

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  • robsmart  -  9 years ago

    Its awesome Organic Gardening information for us.

Author: Sun State Organics

Sun State Organics

Member since: Nov 27, 2015
Published articles: 2

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