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Speech Topics Depend on Your Audience

Author: Ryan Justin
by Ryan Justin
Posted: Feb 08, 2016

Many of these occasions are social. Speakers at weddings, birthdays or retirements for instance have to speak about the celebrants or the retirees. Business speeches will usually be about motivating staff, opening new offices or launching new products. Military speeches will be about valour, pride and doing ones duty. Educational speeches such as graduation speeches will focus on the future and will usually be motivational in tone. It is only when the speaker has freedom of choice that the matter of speech topics becomes important. Yet even then the speaker must ask him or herself who is in the audience and what will appeal to them or interest them. A group of scientists, for instance will probably not be interested in a speech on fashion. A parents' association will not usually want to hear about atomic warfare. A good speaker though will focus on the topics that will be of general interest.

He might, for instance, choose to speak about colour blindness and how it affects people. He could choose to speak about the miseries of the common cold. Most people would love to know how to become a genius and ways of achieving success would make a very interesting speech topic indeed. Topics of the Speech could vary from dyslexia to diving, anger management to healthy eating habits. Motoring manners, in fact manners of any kind seem to be disappearing so fast that people might like to know where they are gone. A good speaker could make a very interesting speech about that.

The speeches can be inspirational or motivational or just informative. The topics can be topical or historical and the speeches can be of any length from a quick one minute speech on spies to a keynote address on cancer. Humour is very important whatever the speech topic but it can also be challenging because humour varies from place to place and from culture to culture.

Speech topics are as different as the people who speak. They can call people to war or encourage them to make peace. They can inflame passions, decide elections or encourage change. Speech topics can be magic in the hands of a good public speaker.

Niamh Crowe has written Speeches on almost every Speech Topics in last 20 years. She has written thousands of Speeches for Eulogies, Retirement speeches, Persuasive speeches, Birthday speeches, Eulogy Verses, Funeral Speeches, funeral poems (family, colleagues or friends), Funeral Reflections (spiritual/non-religious) & more.

About the Author

Ryan justin is a challenging position as a Online Digital Marketing within a large exciting company. I want to use my technical background and expertise in Online Marketing by using valuable resources within a growing organization.

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Author: Ryan Justin

Ryan Justin

Member since: Jan 13, 2014
Published articles: 153

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