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Web Design Halifax Tips to Push Site Over the Top

Author: Star Plus
by Star Plus
Posted: Feb 20, 2016

Your website can provide a lot of benefits when it comes to generating interest from customers and increasing profits, but only if it’s properly designed. With the help of a web design Halifax service for instance, you will be able to convert your run of the mill online site into something that will draw attention and lead to conversions and potentially more sales.

Make Your Site Accessible

Whether you work with a Halifax or SEO company Montreal company, you’re going to get the same advice: the most important information needs to be placed at the top of your page. If there’s more vital information that must be added, place them at the bottom and the rest in the middle.

The fact is most people don’t read web pages from top to bottom: typically they just read the top of the page, read the bottom and skim through the center of the page. For this reason, set the most important pieces of information at the top and bottom.

There’s nothing wrong with long copies provided they are broken into sizeable chunks, headers and bullets are used appropriately. Most important, the content needs to be engaging so it will keep people reading. If you do need to include long copy, focus on the product or service benefits for the reader and remove unnecessary anecdotes and fluff.

Other Web Design Tips and Tricks

No matter where you are on the site, you should be able to reach your destination in 3 clicks at most. If you need 4 clicks to get to where you want to go, then there’s something wrong with the design layout. There are a lot of ways to make a website intuitive and one of those is to keep the number of mouse clicks as low as possible.

If you’re selling a product, testimonials will be important and should be placed near the product to improve trust and credibility. And if there are complaints about your website or its product or service, make sure they’re addressed and resolved as soon as possible.

An Internet marketing Montreal company can help push your website’s rank up, so it’s important you work with them hand in hand in promoting your brand. By letting them know what type of brand you have and what you want to do with it, the easier it will be to get the results you want right now.

About the Author

The author is a best expert in terms of business.

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Author: Star Plus

Star Plus

Member since: Feb 12, 2014
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