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Are You Aware of Soft Injuries and Accident Claims?

Author: Denver Attorney
by Denver Attorney
Posted: Mar 28, 2016
Whether or not to hire the services of an attorney to represent you in your claim for personal injury is a difficult decision to make. Each case has its own uniqueness. Although some types of claim always call for legal representation, you can opt to go it alone especially if you have soft tissue injuries.

Hard injuries

These include damaged organs, broken bones, permanent scarring, herniated disks, poisoning, or other serious injuries. Hard injury claims are usually negotiated by lawyers with expertise in the field. Serious cases in "hard injury" include:

  • Any permanent injury

  • spinal cord or brain trauma

  • Medical malpractice

  • Severe burns

  • Toxic poisoning

  • Wrongful death

Soft tissue injuries

The majority of claims for personal injury in the US do not require one to file a lawsuit. This is because numerous claims involve minor injuries to the soft tissue hence one can negotiate a settlement out of court. These types of injuries may result from:

  • Bicycle accidents

  • Attack by a dog or other animal

  • Minor motorcycle, car, and boat collisions

  • Slip and falls

  • Accidents that are work-related

The types of soft tissue injuries may include: whiplash, lacerations, swelling of ligaments or tendons, contusions, abrasions, blurred vision, headaches, and other similar maladies. When you have minor injuries and liability is obvious, the insurance company can ask you to simply submit your damages. You will then proceed to negotiate a settlement amount that is mutually agreeable

You can negotiate soft tissue injury claims without the need to contract personal injury attorneys in Colorado. In an average settlement for personal injury, once the adjuster receives your documentation and completes investigating the claim, what remains is negotiating a settlement. Negotiation should be easy just as long as you know how to do basic settlement calculation.

The only time you can represent yourself in a hard injury case is when the insurance company accepts full liability thus leaving only the negotiation of the settlement amount. If you feel the amount offered as settlement is inadequate, you are free to contract a lawyer by searching the web and entering the key words: personal injury Colorado. A list of existing personal injury lawyers in Colorado will appear and you can select a reputable and trustworthy lawyer to represent you.

About the Author

I am an author of this article and run my business personal injury Colorado. For more information visit

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Author: Denver Attorney

Denver Attorney

Member since: Feb 03, 2016
Published articles: 9

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