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How You Can Benefit From Switching to Organic Skincare Products by Kelsey

Author: Amitava Sarkar
by Amitava Sarkar
Posted: Mar 31, 2016

Over the last few years, consumers have become increasingly aware of the plethora of harmful chemicals found in most over-the-counter toiletries. Many of these chemicals are classified as low-level carcinogens, long-term exposure to which has been linked to a variety of cancers. Still, because these products are so widely available, many people believe them to be perfectly safe. To quell the tide of anti-chemical sentiment, a number of cosmetics manufacturers have reduced their products’ chemical content. However, there’s a stark difference between cutting back on chemicals and going all-natural.

As the potent cocktail of chemicals found in commercial skincare products becomes more publicized, many worried consumers have chosen to go organic. Once regarded as the domain of so-called "hippies," all-natural cleansers and lotions have attained considerable mainstream popularity in recent years. In light of all the perks they offer, this should hardly come as a surprise. These organic alternatives to drugstore fare provide your skin with all the benefits of their commercial counterparts without subjecting you to any of the drawbacks. Anyone who’s on the fence about making the jump to all-natural skincare products would do well to consider the following advantages.

No More Dry Skin

Dry skin is the worst. In addition to causing itchiness and general discomfort, dried-out skin isn’t particularly attractive. Unfortunately, many commercial cleansers – even ones that contain moisturizing agents – leave skin looking dry, lifeless and devoid of its natural glow. Skin cleansing is a delicate balancing act. Although excess sebum causes blemishes and clogged pores, washing away all of your skin’s natural oils can prove equally as harmful. That being the case, you’ll need a cleanser that cleans without leaving your skin bereft of essential oils. Free of the harsh cleansing agents found in commercial products, vegan cosmetics have the power to restore your skin’s pH balance and keep it looking its best.

No More Blemishes

If you’re tired of finding yourself at the mercy of acne, vegan cosmetics are for you. When going through puberty, it’s hardly unusual for tweens and teens to be stricken with pimples, blackheads and other nasty blemishes. However, if you’re still battling acne after reaching adulthood, your skincare products may be to blame. In addition to the aforementioned cleansing agents, many commercial face-washes contain fragrances that are notorious for causing skin irritation. Alternatively, organic skin cleansers are 100 percent free of meddlesome fragrances and parabens, making them ideal for individuals with sensitive, irritation-prone skin.

No More Cruelty

One of the best things about vegan cosmetics is the fact that they’re cruelty-free. Whereas many large-scale cosmetics manufacturers conduct extensive testing on animals, all-natural companies like North Port Naturals don’t use innocent wildlife as test subjects. Not only does animal testing raise a whole host of moral dilemmas, it also calls into question that nature of the products being tested. If these cosmetics didn’t contain any harmful elements, why would they need to undergo such rigorous testing? Furthermore, what does this say about these products’ chemical content? On the flip side, North Port Naturals has no need for animal testing – since the company’s cosmetics are completely organic. In addition, NPN donates a portion of its profits to local wildlife rescue facilities.

The fact that traditional skincare products are advertised across popular media doesn’t make them safe. Certain chemicals found in these products can cause long-term damage to your skin and contribute to problems they’re meant to solve. In the interest of protecting your skin – and the environment – make the jump to organic skincare aids today.

About the Author: Brianna Malsworth is a professional stylist with over two decades of experience. In 2013, she made the jump to organic skincare products and has never looked back. Completely free of acne, rashes and other forms of skin irritation, Brianna advises everyone to ditch over-the-counter lotions, creams and cleansers in favor of all-natural alternatives.

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Author: Amitava Sarkar

Amitava Sarkar

Member since: Nov 27, 2014
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