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El salvador emergency news of seven prison in gangs crackdown by 24horas

Author: Robert Hook
by Robert Hook
Posted: Apr 16, 2016

There are many el salvador news releated to various field. We provide 24 hours latest news.

El Salvador has declared a situation of emergency at 7 prisons and transferred 299 high-ranking gang members in the beginning of "extraordinary measures" how the government has promised to consider against gangs.

A package of additional measures was to become presented to the legislature upon Wednesday.

Mauricio Ramírez Landaverde, the actual minister of justice as well as public security, said in a news conference that the actual targeted gang leaders were used in a prison 25km (about 15 miles) west from the capital.

The emergency assertion puts inmates on lockdown as well as suspends family visits with regard to 15 days.

"They will be subjected to a greater security regimen, with greater control to ensure communication from inside the actual prison system is halted, " Ramírez said. "They happen to be identified as those most involved with communicating with the outdoors, in directing and coordinating illegal activities from the criminal groups. "

He or she said mixed units associated with police and soldiers may handle security inside as well as outside El Salvador’s prisons.

The actual gangs of El Salvador: within the prison the guards tend to be too afraid to key in

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President news from El Salvador Sánchez Cerén stated earlier this month he was considering steps in order to combat gang violence. His administration has roundly declined an apparent weekend offer through the gangs for negotiations.

A video message through masked men claiming in order to represent the country’s three most effective street gangs said they'd told their members to prevent killing. In exchange, they demanded how the government not proceed using the measures to combat the actual gangs.

On Tuesday, the actual presidential spokesman, Eugenio Chicas, said the administration would present a preliminary package of "extraordinary measures" towards the legislature on Wednesday. They might include deploying more soldiers inside a security role, declaring states of emergency incompatible zones and imposing rigid fines on phone businesses that Chicas said have refused to reduce cellphone signal strength close to prisons.

He said the steps would "guarantee the population’s security and become a hard blow towards criminality".

Chicas acknowledged that homicides had dropped significantly because the release of the bunch video. However, he said it had been just a way for those gangs to put a gun towards the populace’s head, threatening to resume killings when the government doesn’t negotiate.

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Author: Robert Hook

Robert Hook

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