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How to use supplies such as bygghiss as part of overall logistics strategy

Author: Frankey Pandey
by Frankey Pandey
Posted: Jul 22, 2016

Recent studies have shown that logistics have increased costs and production time for construction companies in Sweden. In order to be more effective, companies should consider making modifications to their logistics techniques and supplies.

A study in the field of construction sector in Sweden has shown that workers are engaged in doing rework and extra work due to poor planning in logistics. The study also showed that implementing good logistical solutions, production costs were reduced by 65 SEK/m2 of living area and production time by 3.3% (Valeriy Matouzko, Improving Construction Logistics, 2012). This study can indicate the need to plan a better logistics strategy with the help of materials, refine older techniques, safety, etc. Achieving these goals can be easy for construction companies with the help of simple modifications or supplies. For example, a bygghiss multilift can help companies transport materials fast and in a cost-effective manner.

It is important for companies to consider such solutions. Such solutions can not only make companies more competitive to survive a global completion but also earn respect among clients. On the other hand, poor practices of logistics can cost lives, financial and reputation damage which may never be reversible. Before making an operation fully functional, companies should be able to visualize a process, see the costs involved ahead of time and find a safe way to implement their plans. The following is a list of three aspects of logistics companies should pay attention to the most.

Material Logistics

Managing material logistics effectively can help companies achieve cost-efficiency, predictability of supply, safe handling, etc. This is vital for high and complex building projects. In order to effectively manage materials, companies should focus on supply routes, storage, use, reuse and handling of excess materials. Such material logistics during the planning phase of construction can also help small projects. In order to effectively manage materials, companies can use bygghissar, keep track of transport costs and time taken and store materials appropriately for reuse.

Logistical Techniques

One technique to make logistics more efficient is the use of consolidation centers. These centers are used to supply and distribute materials to several construction sites. These centers ensure safe and efficient delivery of materials. This is possible due to goods being combined from multiple part-loads to single shipments. This further contributes to better certainty of supply, reduced number of deliveries to site, reduced amount of stored materials and finely reduced waste. There are various other techniques such as just-In-time delivery, demand Smoothing, on-site Market Places which can reduce help construction companies by reducing costs and improving productivity.


Construction companies do not only require lifts, cranes, scaffolding solutions, fence constructions, etc. companies also require safety equipment for workers including goggles and other form of protective personal gear. Such supplies require companies to have access to reliable suppliers who can deliver new and used supplies which fit within their budget. Companies should have appropriate storage solutions handy to for safe storage.

Such solutions can help companies become more competitive in the local and global market. In order to improve their logistics, companies require a reliable supplier to purchase various equipments. Alustep provides a wide range of such used and new products for construction companies.

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Construction industry that there is an alternative to renting construction equipment. An alternative that also provides profitable construction.

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Author: Frankey Pandey

Frankey Pandey

Member since: May 24, 2016
Published articles: 6

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