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How to start a small business from home: Internet marketing for beginners

Author: Brock Cater
by Brock Cater
Posted: Aug 18, 2016

The Internet made a world a lot smaller. It is a lot easier to get the message to someone who is so far as on the oposite side of the world. Information is traveling a lot faster. And the world as we know it has always been based on the availability of the information. Now, as a small business owner your marketing strategy is to spread the word about your business as wide and as fast as possible. Plus, when you are just entering entreprenurial waters your business and finance can only aford precision. Let us show you why Internet should be the best place to achive that.


Modern consumers have developed blidenes for bilbords and other kinds of offline comercials. Instead they are more likely to make a purchase decision by Googling the product than by noticing it on a billboard. This is why you need to understand SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) if you want to be found. Studies show that 89 percent of consumers use search engines for purchase decisions. Also, another study tells us that we need to put as much information about our product on Internet as possible. Because "71 percent of US consumers expect to be able to view a retailer's in-store inventory online and 50 percent of US consumers expect to be able to purchase items online and pick them up in-store". Also, "40% of US smartphone owners compare prices on their mobile device while in-store, shopping for an item".


Business and finance are inseparable dependent on precise planning. This is why a successful marketing strategy is conceived on buying personas. You know who your customers are and what are they interested in. Internet lets you target them and only them, not just a bunch of random people passing buy billboard on the street. You will know exactly who saw your marketing message, where, when, and if they were interested in your product. The possibilities of measuring your ROI are endless with Internet.

Got you interested? Good. Now you can jump on the beginner’s guide to online marketing. These are the four main pillars of online marketing.

Website As A Base

First thing you need to do is to establish your virtual presentation. You need an online "home" for your business. Look at the website as your product face. It needs to represents your business, speaks the language of your customers, and can be easily found. Your website is ready of you have optimized it for search engines and if you have good UX (user experience).

Build Content

As we already explained it here, try using a blog to generate the content. The more content you build around your business the more trust you will gain with your customers and Google. Website content with smart SEO should get you on the Google’s first page.

Enter The Conversation

You have a website and you are filling it with content, but you do not want to be like TV commercials. Or for that matter any other offline marketing channel. That’s all one-way communication. And you want to hear what customers have to say about you, right? That is the dream of every marketer since the beginning of time. And social networks made it happen. To be precise online social networks. If you done your buying personas than you know what are the most popular social networks among your targeted audience. Make a Facebook business page, an Instagram account or open a Snapchat.

Keep Measuring

Numbers matter. So start tracking where your website visitors are coming from, what are they reading, where do they share opinions about your product. There are plenty of tools out there to help you with measuring. We recommend you start with Google Analytics for your website and Facebook pages have their own Insights. Once you know your numbers it will be easier for you to alter your product and make it better in a way that fits customer needs. And that is all that matters.

About the Author

Brock Carter is a professional contant writer as last few years. With their experience he has many articles on Online Financing and his passion for helping people to given advice finance related topics

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Author: Brock Cater

Brock Cater

Member since: Aug 17, 2016
Published articles: 1

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