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Harry Potter Bertie Botts Beans Muffins

Author: Fun Works
by Fun Works
Posted: Oct 25, 2016

Whether you are a fan of the movies, books or both, you are likely to have been entranced by the thought of the Harry Potter Bertie Botts Beans. These colourful sweet treats have a sting in the tail, with flavours like ear wax and grass mixed in with sweet watermelon and green apple. If you plan to make these Harry Potter Bertie Botts muffins, it is a good idea to sort out which flavours you want to use, so choose carefully so you can keep these jewelled and colourful muffins sweet and delicious.


200 grams of caster sugar

280 grams of flour

One teaspoon baking powder

Two lightly beaten eggs

100 millilitres of light oil (sunflower or canola works well)

175 millilitres of milk

55 millilitres of fresh orange juice

One tablespoon of fine grated orange rind


Preheat your oven to 190ºc and prep a muffin tin with paper muffin cases.

Sift the flour, baking powder, and sugar into a large bowl. In a jug mix the liquids and orange rind. Quickly fold the wet into the dry, just take care not to overmix. The dry ingredients should be just moist, so don’t worry if there are a few lumps left.

Drop the muffin batter into the cases, so they are ¾ full. Bake for approximately fifteen minutes. They should be golden brown and well risen. Allow your muffins to completely cool on a wire rack before you decorate.


So, right now you have zesty and tasty muffins, but they are not yet Harry Potter Bertie Botts muffins. This happens with your decorating! You will need 280 grams of icing sugar, 250 grams of Harry Potter Bertie Botts beans, 45 millilitres of orange juice and two teaspoons of softened unsalted butter.

Sift the icing sugar into a large bowl. Heat the orange juice with the butter until the butter has melted and is incorporated. Stir this well and add to the icing sugar. Don’t add it all at once, as the texture of icing sugar can vary, so you may need a little more or slightly less liquid. Spread the icing over your muffins and before it sets top with your Bertie Botts Beans. You can create a rainbow effect with different colours, or use just one or two colours to create a theme. This is the perfect opportunity to allow your creativity to flow. However, whether you choose to randomly dot the beans or create a symmetrical pattern, your muffins are sure to look and taste delicious. Allow the icing to fully set before serving. The muffins can be stored in an airtight container for up to one week.

If you love Harry Potter Bertie Botts, Australia foodies should really try these muffins. You will need lots of Harry Potter Bertie Botts, so be sure to visit us. Funworks has a massive selection of traditional sweets and imported candy including Bertie Botts Beans. Our team of sweet enthusiasts is ready to answer your queries and assist you in placing your order.

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Author: Fun Works

Fun Works

Member since: Aug 11, 2015
Published articles: 27

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