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Advantages Of Journalism For Choosing It As a Career

Author: Mukesh Maheshwari
by Mukesh Maheshwari
Posted: Nov 26, 2016

The bustle of collecting, considering, generating and presenting information or news is called as journalism. This field is prevailing in our country for a long time. It has identified its importance in a better way. Today, students are rushing towards this course with a great pace. It proves to be very beneficial if we choose it as a career. Now we will discuss about its benefits if it is chosen as a career in the following manner.

  • Knowledge

In this education, an individual has to work daily on new and current news and topics which increase our knowledge to a great extend. Even he or she works on latest events and happenings which makes our knowledge updated with respect to our current generations.

  • Interesting

It makes us to work on exciting projects which creates interest within our mind and if we like our work then it will increase our efficiency to do the work and thus we are able to produce better results.

  • Work in a Circle of Literates

The persons of high profile knowledge are engaged in this field. An individual has got a chance to work within a group of literates. He or she gets an environment of learning and knowledge with a view to attain a level of excellence.

  • Prestigious Position

In this field the work of the individual is published in the newspaper sometimes along with his or her name, thereby making a good image in the society. He or she becomes well known in the society which proves to be very prestigious for him or her.

  • Touring jobs

The job of news reporters is to gather information from different sources and for this he uses to visit different places and thus has a tour to different places even foreign countries also.

  • Celebrities

This education provides a chance to meet so many people including celebrities like politicians, big businessmen and film-stars thereby making a good network of social contacts.

  • Social Network

This field supports team work due to which an individual comes in contact with his or her co-workers. Due to better image in the society other people of the society also make contact with him or her and a good social network is created which makes the person socially strong.

  • Easy Course Structure

The course of journalism does not include theorems, problems related to reasoning and numerical problem. It includes only theory portions which is easy to understand and learn and thus can make career easily.

  • Salary

If the knowledge level of the person is high then he or she is liable for a good amount of salary by which the standard of the person gets raised thereby getting a high level of living style.


Asian College of Journalism, Chennai is the best college in India providing journalism courses. The Journalism Courses mainly include BJMC and MJMC.

Thus, it is an education of good knowledge and prestige thereby making a great career with a view to get success in life.

About the Author

Mukesh Maheshwari is an Owner and Editor of, Here he is sharing a details of 100+ courses and 22000 colleges or Universities.

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Author: Mukesh Maheshwari

Mukesh Maheshwari

Member since: Nov 26, 2016
Published articles: 6

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