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The Different Types Of Instruments Used In Operating Rooms

Author: Medicaldevice Store
by Medicaldevice Store
Posted: Jan 21, 2014

When it comes to medical devices, their main purpose is to help the doctor or the surgeon to deal with their treatment procedures quickly, efficiently, and successfully. Good quality instruments aid the medical professional in doing their job the best way possible. What is the different function of surgical tools? These help the professionals to clamp, mend, cut, grasp, and retract body tissues for enhancing the patient's life.

One can broadly categorize medical instruments as the following.

Various instruments for cutting

Surgeons in general use two different kinds of instruments for cutting purposes. This includes scalpels and scissors. Scalpels contain removable blades and handles of varied sizes. Long scalpels are able to create deep incisions in delicate tissues while smaller scalpels are for superficial tissue and skin. Surgical scissors available during medical device sales are also special varieties used for various cutting purposes. This includes cuticle scissors, which are curved in shape for cutting through breast tissues, uterine tissues, muscles, as well as other tissue types.

Various clamping instruments

Haemostatic forceps are used for clamping various hollow structures such as blood vessels to stop blood flow as well as spillage of different body contents. Superficially, they resemble scissors but these forceps come with flat faced jaws, interlocking teeth, and these come with handles. It helps the surgeons to maintain and adjust appropriate tension amounts related to compressed structures. These can be either curved or straight, as specific surgical requirements. Their varied designs can accommodate different depths in diameters of blood vessel as well as other structures.

Various retracting instruments

Besides the specialized devices as a medical camera used in different procedures, regular instruments such as those for retraction are used in the operating rooms commonly. Their function is to separate the edges of incision while restraining internal structures of the body. With their help, surgeons can get proper access and view to perform the surgical procedures successfully. These can be of different types. For example, the handheld instruments offer proper aid to technologists and surgical nurses. On the other hand, the self-retaining varieties keeps tissues apart while giving surgeons needed access for performing successful procedures.

Various types of suturing instruments

Needle holders like forceps come with locking mechanisms and they have hinges. Most of these do not have any edge for cutting purpose and contain tapered jaws. Sometimes however cutting edges are present along with presence of jaws that hold the needle successfully for use in operating room scenarios.

Different grasping instruments

Grasping instruments are another common group of instruments available in any operating room scenario. Some appear as tweezers while others as scissors that come with specific locking mechanisms. This kind of feature is similar to that present in haemostatic forceps. Instruments having smooth ends are ideal for holding delicate tissues and proper grasping. In order to do this in the best way possible special forceps with serrated teeth like edges are available. A number of well-known brands such as Karl storz offer high quality grasping instruments for aiding the surgeons in operating rooms situations.

About The Author

Neil Jackson is a medical device specialist who has been in the industry for more than a decade now. He has been regularly following the leading medical device companies across the globe, especially the U.S. He has also authored quite a few articles in the medical journals and loves to share his vast experience and knowledge.

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Author: Medicaldevice Store

Medicaldevice Store

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