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How do the anti cellulite creams work and what are the best anti cellulite products

Author: Ming Laree
by Ming Laree
Posted: Feb 09, 2014

Fighting cellulite is we are told an impossible task. We are told that once you have it you have it. We are told that only overweight people display it. We are told it is because of a bad diet, we are told it is caused by stress or dehydration or because your skin is too thin or too thick or too pale or because it is a day with a y in it. In other words no one really knows what causes it.

Many of the so called reasons are erroneous or at best contributing factors. Many slim girls have orange peel skin on at least part of their anatomy, Many a lady who eats a well balanced healthy diet with lots of vegetables and dietary fiber gets dimpled thighs. Stress and being overweight may cause the cellulite to be worse and there may well be a contributory factor in skin thickness and tone but even if none of the above are present and your hormones remain in balance there is no guarantee that you won't manifest with a an outbreak of cellulite somewhere.

The truth is it is a condition that up to 80% of ladies have. It is also present in some men but that is more unusual. Furthermore it is not a medical problem. You are not going to get sick, present with further complications or die because you have cellulite. Furthermore, while we know that it is the herniation of the fat cells just beneath the skin's surface with the connective tissue that causes the problem we don't know for certain why it presents itself worse in some people and not in others.

Medical science doesn't know a lot of things and they can't easily prescribe a pill or a diet regime to cure it. A temporary improvement may be had from massage and spa treatments, losing weight and getting a sun tan may improve the situation. Some doctors may offer a dangerous, painful and expensive round of liposuction. In addition the Europeans are using lasers but all of these are fraught with danger.

But if you click on the anti cellulite products link you will be taken to a website which offers completely unbiased and factual reviews of 3 of the best Anti Cellulite creams available on the market.

The first of these is the product Cellulite MD. The website gives this product an excellent rating and give a fair description of its ingredients. Iy explains how the product works by a process of lipolysis and in fact reverses the herniation by re-lubricating the affected cells where is it used. It has the benefit of tightening and rejuvenating.

The second 2 products are not quite as well regarded but are nevertheless highly rated. All of the products have produced exellant results in trials and all come recommended in the media.

So what are you waiting for? Take steps to get rid of those unsightly dimples by clicking on the link and seeing what one of the ant cellulite creams can do for you.

No one really knows why we get cellulite but Anti Cellulite creams reviewed here can help eliminate the problem.

About the Author

As many as 80% of all females suffer from cellulite to some degree, These a href=""""Anti Cellulite creams can really help alleviate the problem.

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Author: Ming Laree

Ming Laree

Member since: Feb 08, 2014
Published articles: 3

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