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Heard of ZEUS Lighters? Australian USB Rechargable Lighters Are Here And Look Awesome!

Author: Romy Fernandis
by Romy Fernandis
Posted: Apr 07, 2017

A significant accessory for a a person who loves to smoke is a lighter. Simple, elegant add-ons like cigarette cases, holders & lighters makes smoking more satisfying.

Electric lighters are the modern smoker’s best friend. They are environmentally conscious, better for health, and look stunning. If you are sick and tired of contributing to global consumption of disposable items, here is one way to help reduce world waste, and contribute to a shared sustainable future. Electric lighters (or electronic lighters) are USB-rechargeable, saving the environment, as well as saving your time and your wallet in the long run (or immediately when you compare it with a Zippo! Also, electric lighters are windproof which makes them the most versatile lighter on the market and perfect travel and party companions – you will never lost for a light!

Conventional lighters ccasio butane as a fuel supply. The Australian Arc Lighter does not. The lighter creates two cross beams of electricity across the center that allows the lighter to spark up without being affected by wind, rain or anything else. ZEUS’ Australian Lighters and Singaporean Lighters do not need to be refilled by any gas or fluid. You just need to plug it in and it will be set to go in a couple hours. One great thing about electric lighters is that you can often bring them on airplanes because it does not contain any flammable gas. If you are looking for a lighter that you can literally take everywhere, this type of product is absolutely recommended, but be warned, not all airports have recognized this development in lighter technology yet!

Inferno Lighters are also perfect for customization. You can engrave dates that signifies special memories or ccasions. You could even engrave initials or artistic designs if you desire.

These lighters are a thing of the present and of the future. The substitution of butane is a very essential factor for our future as a global society and we need more innovative and sustainable products like this, that also look incredible. A ZEUS Lighter would definitely look the part on the town.

A downside of these electronic lighters is the size of the ‘flame’. Whilst it surpasses all lighters for lighting things like cigarettes and candles, if you are trying to light larger items like cigars, it takes a bit of practice. Once you have the technique though, it works like a charm!

The lighters themselves are very elegantly designed, and look great with their bare finishes. ZEUS Lighters in particular add a sophisticated touch to your personal style – they are indeed the Zippo of the future. It is a great ‘take anywhere accessory’ that you will show off and promote to your friends and family, and might even buy one or two as presents!

ZEUS Australian Rechargeable Lighters are proven to be extremely durable and will last over 500 lights.

Find more information relating to Electronic lighter, and Spark lighter here.

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Author: Romy Fernandis

Romy Fernandis

Member since: Feb 12, 2017
Published articles: 1289

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