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TO FILL OR NOT TO FILL – That Is The Question

Author: Ocean Cosmetics
by Ocean Cosmetics
Posted: May 23, 2017

Dermal fillers have been around for a while, and, let’s admit it, they’ve not had the best reputation. We’ve all seen photos of Fillers Gone Wrong! But let’s stop for a minute and think.

Not all dermal fillers are equal, and not all laser skin clinics are the same. Dermal fillers are used for so many other areas than just lips, with excellent results. From smoothing out fine lines around the eyes, to plumping up the deep nasio-labial folds that, lucky us, we develop as we age, maybe we should rethink dismissing this treatment out of hand.

A good laser skin clinic will administer dermal fillers cautiously – as they should – to create subtle changes in the contours of your face. This allows you to slowly change the areas that need plumping, without making you look like some kind of plastic surgery addict.

Fillers range in price from quite cheap to very, very expensive. Just remember, cheaper isn’t better. No-one wants botched, lumpy product lying under the surface of their skin, so I cannot stress enough how important it is to find a reputable laser skin clinic – professionals who know what they are doing.

The process itself is straightforward. Your skin will be cleaned and prepared and a numbing cream applied to the treatment area. This takes up to 30 minutes to take effect. Then, after thorough discussion with your cosmetic therapist regarding your specific wants and needs, the filler will be inserted under the skin.

There is artistry involved in this. People’s faces lack symmetry, and a good cosmetician will take this into account and take their time to ensure the fillers are used expertly to create the most pleasing result. Often, they will insert a little, then step back and check the results. It can take some time for them to achieve the desired result, so be prepared to be there for a little while.

Does it hurt? There is no simple answer here as everyone has different pain thresholds, but personally I found around the lips to be the worst. Not that it was terrible – more uncomfortable.

Should you give them a try? As someone who has had dermal fillers in her cheeks and chin, I say yes, definitely. Find yourself a decent clinic and book in. A little refreshment does wonders for your self-confidence.

The difference in my appearance wasn’t dramatic, but it was enough for people to say, "gosh, you’re looking great". That was enough for me to know that my fillers were worth it.

About the Author

For more information regarding dermal fillers and laser skin clinic visit our website:

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Author: Ocean Cosmetics

Ocean Cosmetics

Member since: Apr 11, 2017
Published articles: 4

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