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Top Reasons to Opt For Car Parking System in India

Author: Wohr Parking Systems
by Wohr Parking Systems
Posted: May 24, 2017

Smart parking or automatic car parking system is the most innovative and rapidly growing smart city solution. Owing to various strong reasons, metropolitan cities have begun to recognize noteworthy advantages of automated car parking management system. A good number of airports, shopping centers, and corporate companies, etc. are shifting to these solutions.

Basically, the smart car parking system in India is based on some sensors and real-time data together with an application that enables the users to access the necessary details with ease. The primary objective of this system is to make the whole process easy, trouble-free and automate. It reduces the manual efforts and provides optimum parking space to the users. Some systems don’t even have a single person to manage the things. A smart system is equipped with various features including online payment, car searching, and more. Here, are some top advantages of smart car parking management system.

  • The users can easily find out whether a parking slot available or not. The system suggests the best spot that allows the users to save time, efforts and avoid hassle. The space is filled so efficiently and the cars are parked automatically.
  • When many cars are there in a traditional parking system to search the most suitable slots, it leads to traffic. But, there is no possibility of traffic with car parking systems.
  • Every person uses some fuel while driving a car for parking on a daily basis. But, when you don’t need to drive the car to park, it remarkably lessens driving time that directly affects the fuel consumption and ultimately pollution. By lowering the emission of vehicles, it helps in reducing pollution.
  • Parking a vehicle seems a headache, especially when a person is in a hurry. Tower car parking manufacturer India understands this issue and this is why smart systems are integrated all around. Equipped with automatic payment, spot recognition and location search, etc. are some features that enhance the user experience.
  • Most automatic car parking systems are designed with automatic payment feature and allow the users to pay directly through their account or phone. So, the car owners don’t need to carry cash with them on a daily basis.
  • Car parking system in India is safer than traditional parking systems. Real time data and smart sensors put a stop to any kind of violation and mistrustful movements. Apart from the theft, the sensors and cameras, etc. avoid the chances of accidents and other clashes.
  • Unlike traditional parking lots, you don’t need to spend so much money on the management of automatic car parking system. You don’t need to hire guards and other people as everything is done automatically.
  • A smart parking system can drastically increase the worth or a corporate or commercial entity. A building with such system obviously has a high market value as well as esteem. The visitors of a multiplex, retail market and airport, etc. will be certainly impressed with the automatic parking systems.
  • Installing the automatic system is not pretty expensive. A reliable tower car parking manufacturer India can design and install a smart parking system at very affordable cost.

The implementation of the smart parking system is definitely a great investment for any corporate or residential entity.

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Established in 1902, Wohr has been Designing, Innovating & Installing Various Parking Systems and Solutions since 1959. Wohr is one of the leading manufacturers of car parking systems worldwide. For more than 55 years now.

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Author: Wohr Parking Systems

Wohr Parking Systems

Member since: Jul 31, 2016
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