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Spray Tanning Certification is Key!

Author: Ablok Jonson
by Ablok Jonson
Posted: Feb 23, 2014

The Sunless industry is growing leaps and bounds each year. In 2014 the Sunless industry will reach over $1 Billion in annual sales which is a 30% increase over the year prior. The major driving force behind this growth is the new laws being put in place by states banning 18 and younger from tanning beds for health risk issues. With the demand growing every day, it is an exciting business opportunity for those looking to get into the business. Many ask "where do I start?" The only way your new sunless business can succeed is through providing an amazing spray tanning service to your clientele. We recommend Sjolie Certification to be properly trained and certified. The certification is not only going to show you how to provide a perfect tan every time, but provides your customers with a sense of comfort knowing that you were properly trained, and have something to show for it.

Sjolie Spray Tanning Certification Course is certified through NSTPA (National Spray Tanning Professional Association). This is a large benefit to providing the best possible certification and guidelines for our students attending the Certification course itself. The Sjolie Certification Course can be provided at their facility in California, or they are also able to visit your location to train 1 on 1, or train in group instances. You would need to consult with Sjolie Certification on pricing and times available.

Being certified through Sjolie Spray Tanning Certification, you will be immediately recorded and listed under the National Spray Tanning Professional Association which will give you an instant foot forward to starting your sunless business.

What is the NSTPA? The NSTPA Organization is the first recognized sunless industry program that provides an industry standard to knowledge that all certified technicians should know to be professional certified. The NSTPA is recognized in all 50 states (USA), and noticed worldwide in other countries as well. When signing up with a course that is NSTPA Certified, you can be confident in the course that will be provided to you, and that you will leave the class knowing the appropriate steps to providing a PERFECT spray tan every day you operate.

We’ve personally have gone through the course ourselves and can say that we 100% left the day of training with completely confidence in providing a great spray tan to our customers. The extra benefit of this course is that it is hands on training, where Sjolie Certification has models on hand that you are able to spray tan and get a HONEST test to your ability. We repeatedly spray the models over and over until we were comfortable with providing our OWN client base with a great spray tan. Definitely worth the money for the knowledge and certificate we received from it.

For more about Sjolie Certification be sure to Click Heree where you can read more information about spray tanning certification by Sjolie.

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Author: Ablok Jonson

Ablok Jonson

Member since: Jan 07, 2014
Published articles: 19

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