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Three Reasons Why Your Content Marketing Fails

Author: Jason Simers
by Jason Simers
Posted: Oct 31, 2017

Internet marketing in Orange County is a powerful platform widely adopted by many businesses across the globe and content plays a key role. Content is known to deliver results in the long run and it has a positive impact in improving your business’ brand image. Some of you might assume it’s just three easy steps in order to get a good return through content marketing -

  1. Create and publish content
  2. Humans click and read the content
  3. Buy your products/services

In reality, it involves understanding your customers’ preferences and coming up with quality content consistently to earn their trust. Businesses face humongous challenges when executing a marketing strategy online. Here are the top six reasons why many fail at internet marketing:

No Market Niche for the Product/Service

No matter how great your content, the objective of acquiring new customers will fail if there is no market for the product and if it doesn’t solve a problem. One of the common problems many business founders do not understand is the market dynamics. Lack of proper research and market analysis often leads to business failure. It is imperative to know whether the market suits your products and services.

You can create an excellent service or product but it will eventually fail due to lack of buyers. Every prospect of the sales channel presented needs to look at underlying problems and establish your business’ needs and expectations before creating a marketing strategy.

Publishing in the Wrong Place

Most online marketing campaigns miserably fail when they publish content in the wrong places. It is important to ensure your content reaches the right audience. You must identify who your target group is and this includes the demographic information and social-economic status among various other aspects. You should publish content on websites where people visit for solutions to their problems or needs.

The preference of the target group will decide where to publish content and the channel that you will use to deliver the content. You can run the Pareto rule 80:20. If your company is new, 80% of the content should be published outside of your official website. Creating content for your target community is important in order to get better exposure and engagement from the audience.

Poor Quality Content with No Call to Action - Plague of Boredom

Poor quality content is the reason why most content marketing campaigns fail. We have all heard phrases like "content is king", "content rules", "build compelling content", and the list goes on and on.

It is important to give your existing and prospective clients something of value they can use. Poor quality descriptions, lack of specific keywords, and targeted tags constitute for failure in content marketing, as SEO also plays a key role. The content should be engaging and encourage customers to interact with you. In the words of Neil Patel, quality content drives feedback.

In summary, it is important as a business to understand your market niche and the objective of your firm. To be successful at internet marketing in Orange County, your business must first understand customers and their expectations. You have to provide your audience with interesting content that they will find engaging and inspiring.

If you are looking for an Orange County SEO Company, the author of this article suggests Flying V Group.

About the Author

Internet marketing in Orange County is a powerful platform widely adopted by many businesses across the globe and content plays a key role.

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Author: Jason Simers

Jason Simers

Member since: Jul 26, 2017
Published articles: 3

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