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Retractable tensile structure roofs A window to open sky

Author: Tensile Structure
by Tensile Structure
Posted: Nov 02, 2017

Haven’t you wondered how beautiful it would be if you were just able to open the roof of your shelter and take a peek into open sky above? Why should the gloom of rain or harsh sun extend to fine weather? Maybe retractable tensile structure roofs can help. True to what their name suggests, these roofs can be opened and then retracted back to their position. Mostly associated with sporting arenas where roofs can be opened and closed depending on weather, retractable roofs are fast becoming a commonplace infrastructure.

Say no to concrete!

To make a retractable tensile structure, it is important to choose a material which is flexible. That puts concrete pretty much out of the picture. Though metals like aluminum or stainless steel can be used, they are rarely used due to their good conductance to heat (or cold). You don’t want your shelter to turn into greenhouse or an igloo, don’t you? Alternatively, plastics, fibers and their derivatives like canvas, nylon, vinyl etc. are commonly used to manufacture one such structure.

Nothing’s popular without a reason

But it’s not just your desire to face the open skies that brings retractable roofs home, isn’t it? Apart from its rather obvious benefit, there are many other advantages as well.

One, cost – effective. Every component of retractable tensile structure design is an economic benefit in itself. By substituting raw materials needed to make concrete with polymers and fibers, cost incurred in procurement of materials is reduced to a large extent. Furthermore, their manufacturing process is a lot more frugal than conventional methods of construction.

Two, easy installation. Apart from saving time and avoiding hassle, it also doesn’t come as a stretch on your pocket.

Three, flexibility. When it comes to versatility in designs, retractable tensile structures are second to none. They can be extended and retracted at will, any number of time and at any time.

Four, protection from sun and rain. Being open to sky doesn’t mean that it can’t act as a conventional roof. Depending on weather condition, they can be used for insulation against harsh elements of nature.

The list of advantages is not exhaustive in any way. As time goes by and new innovations come into play, retractable roofs are going to see an upward spike.

Where to buy?

Designing, fabricating and manufacturing a retractable tensile structure roof demands expertise and ingenuity. Not many companies, even if they are in business of manufacturing tensile structures, venture into sale of retractable roofs. But that doesn’t mean no one can’t. BKF is one such company which specializes in design and supply of retractable tensile structures. Its focus on quality assurance and timely delivery has helped it create a niche for itself in the market. So if you feel like taking a peek into the sky at night, visit them and get your wishes fulfilled.

BKF is a company which deals with manufacture and supply of polycarbonate, prefabricated and tensile fabric structure for different structures like car parking, walkway, sun sheds, canopies etc. Visit their website at to know more about it and its products.
About the Author

For more information related to this tensile structure, Tensile Structure in Mumbai

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Author: Tensile Structure

Tensile Structure

Member since: Feb 06, 2017
Published articles: 8

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