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What Extra Functions Do Gumshields Serve Other Than Offering Protection?

Author: Match Safe
by Match Safe
Posted: Mar 21, 2014

Did you believe that sportsmen use mouth-guards only for the purpose of protecting their teeth? If you did, there is no need to shy away, as most people think on similar lines. Wouldn’t it be an interesting read if someone provided you with knowledge about the other uses of a Gumshield or a mouth-guard that many are unaware of?

Boost your performance by using one

This is not a belief that you should think of laughing away. Instead, you ought to be laughed at if you believed that the concepts of such guards came into being just as a protective measure for boxers and then ventured into other sports eventually.

Other than moments of anger, when do you find people clenching their sets of teeth together? Clenching of the teeth and jaws, other than anger, are exhibited by humans when they are determined towards a certain cause, or they are putting more-than-regular efforts into their activities. Both these factors play a dominant role in determining the performance of a sportsperson.

And this is not something which has been discovered lately. In fact, historical evidence dating back to the periods of Romans and Vikings and even the Greeks, reveal making use of such a factor. At that time, warriors belonging to the former two clans and athletes from the latter used to bite down on a strap of leather before going out into battle or the arena. This came from a belief that holding their teeth together would give them an edge over their enemies and opponents.

How does the modern world use such a method?

Leather straps are a thing of distant past now, and in this modern age, same attributes are achieved through the use of mouth guards. In facts, there are a few manufacturers like Match Safe who are credited for coming up with such products that help sportsmen boost their performance. As such, these products have found their takers in non-contact sports too along with the partial and full contact ones. And research on this subject has come up with facts that support this concept. Some athletes have revealed themselves of having felt increased levels of strength and endurance and better reflexes during their performance, and reduction in their stress levels.

So, now you know why mouth-guards and similar shields are used extensively today - because of their ability to serve other functions too. From the likes of above mentioned manufacturer of Gum Shields UK boast of, products are available that provide protection as well as affect your performance in a positive manner. That is something that most engaged in sports would vouch and vie for.

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Author: Match Safe

Match Safe

Member since: Feb 17, 2014
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