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What makes Juices a Mandatory Item in Your Diet List?

Posted: May 23, 2018
Well, we have been always told that eating raw fruits and veggies are a great way to nourish our body nutrients. Yet, the repulsion from these tokens of health definitely failed to attract us in younger days. But now that we realize it, we make sure that our young ones don't boycott consuming them either. We don't even mind going a step forward to adding the glamour of presentation and decoration on the plate. And, it is at this point that churning out these fruits and vegetables into colorful juices might win some extra points in tempting person to consume it. Let’s figure out what more juices serve us apart from its beautiful look.
- Consumption of more than one type of fruits or vegetables at a time
Since the intake of fiber gets rejected from the juices, one can have the nutrients of two or more fruits in a glass. Well, the importance of fibrous food shouldn't be neglected here as they are equally important but if we look at the brighter side of consuming juices, it definitely contributes in helping the person to consume more and more nutrients loading the stomach full. Consumption and digestion of fibers definitely heavy is the stomach and if practically seen for light and healthy meals complementary juices are the best option indeed.
Juicing with the help of cold pressed juicer enables one to consume more and more fruits and vegetable nutrients which wasn't possible otherwise since the need of the digesting fibers have been omitted out from the equation by introducing liquid nutrients which directly oozes into the bloodstream.
- Increases the variety in meals
Do you realize how frequently we cut off the variation in our meals in order to cope up with the other busy happenings of the life? We just tend to dine out now and then saving us from the pain of cooking and longitude recipes of food that mom gave us. But why leaf speeding up with the laziness or fast moving life, we fail to keep track of the health requirements of our body. Consuming juices from a variety of fruits and vegetables on regular basis is one of the many solutions that one may settle for in order to fulfill the nutrition requirement of the body.
You can get what kind of nutrition you need by selecting the prescribed fruits and vegetables. You may easily find these suggestions via blogs and other internet sources. For example- there needs to be more and more consumption of vegetables as compared to that of fruits. Moreover, one needs to minimize the high intake of fructose fruits such as strawberries and apple. In addition to this, the body moon over the body needs a great amount of sugar and hence, the choice of fruit needs to be made accordingly.
Since one fails to consume an appropriate variety of vegetables through cooking over a week, this requirement can be bridged by enabling the variety in juices, which is extremely easy to inculcate. The variation in vegetables that one generally appoints in food over a week can be easily consumed if you juice on regular basis with minimum 6-7 varieties of fruits and vegetables in a week. Just like a rainbow every color of nutrition is required in the human body to complete the beautiful spectrum of health.
- They help in feeding good bacteria efficiently
It is noted that the majority of the body immunity lies within the digestive tract and as such a huge number of diseases occurs when the gut becomes weak. As such a key to a healthy body is through a healthy digestive system in a nutshell. But then you must be wondering that what is the link to this fact with consuming juiced fruits and vegetables? Well, the intake of prebiotics rich food materials helps in increasing good bacteria in the digestive system by more than 100 million. Some search foods are leeks and bananas. Even vegetables are a great source of such prebiotics. Let’s draw out few such food items-
- All shades of green colored vegetables along with the yellow ones are rich in vitamin C and E, carotene and folate that provides immunity against colon cancer. And, isn't it sad that how often we try to avoid these very vegetables more than any other?
- Ginger and mint are also helpful in easing digestion and healing upset stomach along with a large number of other nutritive benefits.
- Similarly, drinking a glass of lemon water every morning may improve the gut system of one's body. Is it too hard to cope up with?
All these above points justify that consumption of these fruits and vegetables in an appropriate amount can add to the health of your digestive system and ultimately the whole body. And, what could be a better way to consume so much variation of fruits and vegetables in short period other than juicing with the help cold press commercial juicers that are easy to deal with and moreover, do not destroy a single nutrient in the process of juicing. Doesn't it seem like a dream diet?
- Helps in fighting severe and catastrophic diseases
One of the most nightmarish diseases faced in the present period is that of cancer. The huge types of cancers are acting the mankind and so many are suffering due to this. The treatment of equally painful- chemotherapy that plunders the body strength as well as bank account. Well, a huge number of people have turned to other medications which recommend the consumption of juices to fight this dreadful and fatal disease. And, a lot of people are even winning this fearful battle every day.
While, a lot of people say that fibers are must but when it comes to cancer patients, juicing is comparatively more beneficial. It is due to the fact that people fighting cancer face extreme trouble in swallowing food and so eating in bulk amount in order to fulfill nutritive requirement is just so impractical. This is where juiced vegetables and fruits jump in for the rescue.
Lastly, prevention is better than cure. So, it is always recommended to inculcate these healthy habits early in order to avoid any kind of later complications. But one must avoid including too many fruits into their juice recipes as drinking lots and lots of fruit juice can increase the risk of diabetes and might even lead you to become overweight. Fruits must only be used as masks over the strong and not so yummy flavors of the vegetables. One may even add a piece or two of cucumber. It helps in diluting the flavors plus is beneficial at increasing the quantity of juice that one will consume or drink. Adding cucumber over water to juices is always a bonus.
- Lowers the high cholesterol level
Well, definitely it takes more than just relying on juicing to fight high cholesterol. The complete diet needs to be altered.
- Fried food is the first thing that needs to be removed completely.
- Excessive intake of sugar and saturated fat must be limited. Non-veg foods like beef and pork should be replaced with fruits, vegetables, seafood and oats for better.
- As already hinted, juicing with
- Green vegetables and fruits also help in detoxifying the body. We live in an era of stress and anxiety, and in such situation detoxing helps in redeeming the body from toxins that get accumulated in our body over the time due to lack of exercises, unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet. The juices aim at providing a bit of rest to the digestive system. So, the fruit and vegetable juices directly act on flushing out these toxins without adding to the labour of the digestive system.
- Reduces sugar levels in the blood
When we talk about derogatory health issues that are most common among people, we can’t deny the contribution of diabetes. Earlier, this issue was only accounted in old aged people. But sadly, now even youngsters, as well as teenagers, fail to beat the consequences of diabetes. It is quite evident that the fast-growing trend of fast food consumption, cheap yet mouth alluring food are conquering our diet heavily, in an extremely negative way.
Well, this problem could be tackled very easily and persistently by a slight shift in our diet to a healthier genre. Oily or fried food, along with red meat, sodas, too much of sweets only makes it easy for diabetes to pave into our body.
These unhealthy habits need to be replaced with the better options such as ginger, spinach, broccoli, celery, onions, and even citrus fruits such as lemon, oranges, grapefruit, and pomegranates. They all equally contribute in lowering the cholesterol and sugar level of the body.
Again, juicing these fruits and vegetables will enable you to consume a huge variety of these food items with their nutrients in raw form and they don’t even contribute in loading the digestive system with more and more work pressure.
But never forget to maintain the limit when it comes to the consumption of fruits as they are majorly sweet and would only act negatively in fighting diabetes. They need to be consumed only in case of sweetening the juices. It is better to consume these fruits as long as this would enable the slowing down of fusing of fructose into the bloodstream.
Well, to wrap up, we already know that juices are beneficial in a lot of ways but having them cold pressed is definitely the best way to extract to the most of the benefits of these juices. Cold press commercial juicerschurn out the juices from the vegetables and fruits along with a jolly amount of pulp to increase its health factor. But most importantly these slow juicers, as evitable from the name itself, slowly processes the juices, as a result, it doesn’t cause the juice to heat up which would have resulted in killing micro-nutrients prevailing in the juice otherwise.
Well, consumption of juice befits meal and during breakfast is the best possible way to reduce appetite for the later period, enabling you to eat less, hence, helping you to cope up with your body fats. And when it comes to drinking a glass of green juice, it can’t get better. Surely, it will be a bit different in the beginning but as you attain consistency, and witness its health benefits, it will be worth everything.
So, just cut off the intake of sodas and fancy beverages and switch to these healthy juices for all good reasons. Moreover, the presence of no pulp or little pulp (according to your wish), hence, simplifying the absorption of nutrition by cutting out the extra hard work performed by the digestive system which slower this absorption process. In addition to this, people suffering from one or other disease is prescribed by the doctor to consume a good deal of juices, so the benefits of juices or cold juices are no hidden fact in a nutshell. And as a matter of fact, it is great to witness but a number of people are really into these good eating habits and even encourage the rest to do so.
Well, and it is always better to prepare these juices at home over buying it from the market as the freshness and the quality of the juice will be completely in your hands and control. Secondly, buying so much of enriching juices on a daily basis will surely give a good dig into your pocket. So, just grab on to a good cold pressed juicer, buying it at a good price for once and enjoy its benefits in a long run.
So, what would you prefer? Unhealthy sodas and junk foods or healthy diet juices? Suffering cholesterol, diabetes or other diseases? Or preventing them with reasonable lifestyle and diet? The choice is definitely yours.
About the Author
This series will be apt for people finding a juicer within the price of rupees 25,000, for it is priced at an affordable price of Rs. 24,900.
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