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The Myriad Benefits Of Green Roofing Solutions

Author: Achtens Roofing
by Achtens Roofing
Posted: Apr 16, 2014

With so much emphasis on eco-friendly constructions these days it is no wonder that roofing contractors in Seattle are getting orders for green roof developments with high propensity. Eco-sensitive construction practices have emerged into the latest trend these days with more and more public buildings, introducing the concept of green roofs. Of course, such practices come with myriad benefits, which make it feasible and adds to its overall popularity. For starters, researches show that electrical consumption in regular public buildings is approximately 34.5 kW, which is quite high than the 28 kW usages in buildings with green roofs.

Now many of you may be wondering, how does Green roofing allow clients to save energy and increase the energy efficiency of their buildings? Multiple factors contribute to efficiency and sustainability of such roofs. Presence of roofing multilayered system signifies proper insulation of specific construction against heat. Besides, it also reduces the overall cooling costs quite significantly. Presence of plants on the outer layer of the roof means that you get effective protection from harmful ultraviolet rays because the greenery acts as the first line of defense.

Do you know that by opting for green protection, you may be extending the life of the roof by almost 40% to 60%? Isn't this amazing! Another benefit of this practical investment is that it will be able to reduce the accumulation of storm water quite significantly by retaining and absorbing rainwater. Green roofing in Seattle has the capability to store much of the rainwater, even more than half of the total quantity. Based upon the type of building you can expect retentions as high as 70%.

Builders and architects can optimize the benefits associated with green roofs to offer high levels of solutions to homeowners and property users. For example, water retained through green roofs can be used in toilets as well as myriad other purposes in offices, shopping centers, and even residential properties. By opting for this kind of greenery on your roofs, you will be attracting birds and other small animals, allowing them to cohabit with humans. Such simple to install greenery helps in absorption of CO2 while reducing the escape of radiant heat from roofs to nearby ozone layer.

You may opt from a wide variety of Green roofing systems in Seattle, ranging from 2-inch shallow constructions to those of 8 inch depths. The latter are ideal for supporting trees, scrubs, or bushes. Different kind of plant materials are used by the builders including,

  • Pre-planted trays for instant greenery
  • Pre-vegetated mats with on-pallet delivery
  • Hydro seeding giving rise to mature plants within 12 months to 36 months

Do you know that a roofing company in Seattle can implement such greenery, even on pitched roofs? Get protection for your roofs whatever the season and get a sustainable solution for successful energy saving four times to come. As you can see, the benefits associated with green roofs are immense and if you're not going for them, you are surely losing out! Those who want to know more about Green roofing and the different development options can visit the website

About The Author

Will Clayton is one of the prominent re-roof specialists in Tacoma. He writes various articles on different types of roofing available. He highly recommends Achtens Roofing for providing excellent quality roofing solutions, blended with unmatched services and competitive prices.

About the Author

Will Clayton is one of the prominent re-roof specialists in Tacoma. He writes various articles on different types of roofing available. He highly recommends Achtens Roofing for providing excellent quality roofing solutions, blended with unmatched ser

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Author: Achtens Roofing

Achtens Roofing

Member since: Apr 15, 2014
Published articles: 14

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