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Tree Pruning San Antonio – Why Is Pruning Essential?

Author: Steev Cooper
by Steev Cooper
Posted: Apr 17, 2014

Trimming trees and pruning them are both art and science. There are many reasons why one should prune the trees. Each cut has potential of changing the character, growth habit and health. Arborist or the experts can determine which type of tree pruning in San Antonio is necessary to establish and maintain the health of the trees. They are experts to prune every tree so it can maintain its unique aesthetic value. Young trees are normally pruned to develop a structure that will overall enhance the appearance and the health of the tree as it grows. The main purpose for doing so is that it can serve the landscape better.

Why prune a tree?

There are many reasons why one should prune a tree. It helps to remove all the damaged and diseased branches. This can help prevent insect and decay organisms from entering the tree. Further it also helps to increase the amount of sunlight and air taken in by the plant thereby avoiding the spread of several diseases. It can eliminate cross branches and also can prevent damages that are caused by rubbing against each other. It can prevent the branches from tearing and splitting as it can be quite problematic especially in case of heavy winds. Correct procedure if followed can actually help to create and maintain a strong structure. Often it is seen that vigorous and erratic branches grow and this can actually change the growth pattern of other branches, resulting in a tree without a good shape.

When to prune the tree?

Diseased, damaged and dead branches should be removed at an early stage. The best time, however, is during early spring or late winter. Since tree pruning San Antonio can be done at any point of time, although it is advisable to avoid extreme winter and hot dry season. When pruning the trees one has to be extra cautious as it can actually harm the tree if not done the right way. Stub and flush cuts are some of the examples of wrong pruning. If the branch is cut off in an improper way, it would hamper its growth. It is always advised not to prune the trees on your own. Always hire a professional Arborist to do the job. They know every detail and can efficiently handle them without causing any harm. To know more on their services one can call them and schedule an appointment.

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This article is written by Steev Cooper. He has got into writing professionally and uploads regular informative articles. You can refer to the articles and the information put down by him and clears your doubts on arborist San Antonio.

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Author: Steev Cooper

Steev Cooper

Member since: Nov 21, 2013
Published articles: 148

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