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Building and Municipal Development Permit for Oil and Gas Industry

Author: John Jose
by John Jose
Posted: Jul 18, 2018

In the "Ostrich Politics" series, we would like to present to our readers a selection of articles that attempt to deny peak oil, ridicule it, or present technologies as a solution to the basic problem of finite resources.

Building and Municipal Development Permit

"Too drastic forecasts, especially in the beginnings of the environmental movement in the 1980s, only increase the help and inaction... And also Florian Kaiser, environmental psychologist at the University of Magdeburg, says: ' With threat scenarios you probably don't get a rethink. ' Those who still deal in depth with the possible consequences of climate change and peak oil, however, run the risk of becoming depressed, some already speak of the ' Doomer depression '. According to the Green Paper, this mental disorder results from individually perceived faint feelings... But those who do not belong to the altruists are only difficult to achieve... Children can be easily influenced... By contrast, purely cognitive confrontations with the advancing scarcity of resources and natural destruction are by no means purposeful... Apocalyptic visions, of course, are also taboo in children, which has been learned from history: children who have grown up with ozone hole, forest death and super-gas in nuclear power plants, the Berlin psychiatrist Horst Petri once attested a ' poisoned childhood '... For example, after the devastating tsunami in the year 2011, Japan has shown impressively how a country can, as it were, be resurrected from the Ashes by means of disaster prevention. "

Note: The ASPO of Germany assumes that one must first analyse the problems in order to find suitable solutions. Ultimately, it behaves like gravity: It hurts if you don't pay enough attention and you hit hard. That is why it has its advantages to deal with it.

The Netherlands: Full exit from oil and gas!

A historic moment: the exit from fossil energy has been fixed. The reduction of the Groingen is to be stopped.

Currently, 95% of the buildings in the Netherlands are heated with gas. In recent months, the Dutch government has already expressed the wish to make an exit from natural gas and to switch to more energy efficiency and renewable energies. The city of Amsterdam offers subsidies for a switch even to homeowners who do not want to use natural gas anymore.

This evening, Dutch politics made a historic decision: until 2030, the promotion of gas was discontinued in Groningen. In 3 years, it will be forbidden to build houses and buildings that use natural gas for heating. And that's just the beginning. Most likely, the sale of new fossil fuel vehicles by 2025 will be banned, with all vehicles up to 2030 emission-free.

A truly historic political decision that other European countries should take as their model. In Austria, a natural gas phase-out and a clear energy turnaround in all areas would be a milestone for the future climate and energy strategy.

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Hello I Write many article in the technology field.

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Author: John Jose

John Jose

Member since: Jul 04, 2018
Published articles: 5

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