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Uses and Applications of Universal Testing Machine

Author: Reuben Barnes
by Reuben Barnes
Posted: Jul 24, 2018

A universal testing machine can be called a universal tester, material testing machine, or material test frame. It is used to test the tensile and compression strength of materials. Historically the name for the universal testing machines was the tensometer.

The word universal in the name refers to the fact that the machine can be used in tension or compression. Additionally it also refers to the range of materials that can be tested in the machine.

Uses of Universal Testing Machine

The universal testing machine (UTM) is used to measure tensile strength and compression strength of various materials. There are different terms which are used for mentioning the UTM which can be commonly heard in the industries. The most popular tests done by the Universal Testing Machine are a tensile testing machine, bend testing machine and compression testing machine.

Following are common uses of UTMs.

  • Testing the tensile strength

One of the most common uses of the universal testing machine is that it is used for testing the tensile strength of the material. It tests the yield strength, stress and strain of a material. Material sample are tested until they yield (ie break). Strain is neasured using strain gauges that are either integral to the machine or installed onto the sample during tests.

  • Testing the compression strength

Compression is the opposite of tension. The material is tested until it breaks an the compression strength or stress is measured versus strain or time.

  • Testing the peel

Peel test and tensile test is very similar to each other. The only difference is that instead of pulling an individual material separately, one is required to pull the materials separately which have been stuck together to find out its average peel force.

  • Bending test

During this test, the length of the material is supported at all ends. This is done when the machines press down directly till the time it breaks or reaches a specific distance. This test helps in measuring the flexibility and stiffness of the material.

  • Puncture test

This test involves investigating a sample of material till the time it punctures so as to get its puncture resistance value.

Things to keep in mind while buying a UTM

Following are the points to be kept in mind while buying the UTM.

  • Find the relevant Australian or New Zealand standard for testing. Many machies are made to ASTM or ISO standards and so a comparison to these standards must be performed.
  • Determine the calculations which are important for testing the specimen and also determine the systems having such capabilities.
  • Select the maximum Force which is necessary for testing the material.
  • Choose the correct grips and fixtures which are required installing the specimen into the UTM.

You should consider the purchase of a UTM wherever your applications require the yield strength of a sample.

About the Author

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Author: Reuben Barnes

Reuben Barnes

Member since: Jun 03, 2014
Published articles: 38

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