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Recruitment Process - An Introduction

Author: Sam Greeves
by Sam Greeves
Posted: May 05, 2014


A recruitment process is known as a company-specific model through which absorption of new employees is conducted. Characteristically the responsibility of the recruitment process rests with the human resources function, though that can again may vary based on the particular company structure.

Job Analysis

Under situation where various new vacancies are generated and filled up for the first occasion, the necessity of job analysis might be felt to verify the skill, ability, knowledge and other personal information needed for the job. From them the necessary information is stored in type of documents termed as job specifications and job descriptions. Time and again an organization will have already job descriptions which correspond to a past collection of jobs performed. Where drawn up already, these documents require being updated or reviewed to show present day needs. Before reaching the stages of recruitment a person specification must be concluded to enable the recruiters assigned with the objectives and requirements of the project.


Sourcing is the utilization of one or more procedures to identify or attract individuals to fill existing job vacancies. It might involve internal process of circulation or external advertising, utilizing proper media like national or local newspapers, professional publications, specialist recruitment media, job centers, and window advertisements or through a number of means like the internet. On the other hand, recruiters may utilize agencies or recruitment consultancies to find out otherwise exceptional candidates who might be engaged in their present positions and are not presently intending to leave companies. This primary research on type of passive candidates helps the recruiters to contact tactfully for approaching and screening.

Screening & Selection

Appropriateness for a job is characteristically evaluated by searching for those qualities which are needed for a job. These can be dome through screening resumes also referred as CV or curriculum vita. Biographical Information Blanks that is an evaluation process which seeks for a more detailed background compared to an interview or an application. Various agencies and recruiters utilize candidate tracking systems to conduct the scrutiny process, along with psychometric testing through software tools and performance dependent assessment.

Lateral Hiring

It refers to the deployment of somebody into a post which is at the similar company salary or level. It means that hiring somebody from similar or another company, probably tempting them with the assurance of better career prospects and a better salary. For instance, it is the recruiting of a manager of a commercial firm by another commercial firm. A lateral hire might refer also to a staff moving one job to another in the same company.


Apart from the systems mentioned above there are various other processes for recruitment that are being followed by many organizations which are beyond the scope of discussion through this article.

About the Author

This article has been compiled by sam g, who is an educational instructor.

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Author: Sam Greeves

Sam Greeves

Member since: Apr 21, 2014
Published articles: 19

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