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Rural Internet Service: Communication Redefined

Author: Business Solution
by Business Solution
Posted: May 05, 2014

Like tea or coffee, Internet is becoming a daily need for us. Not only has the communication, the internet improved the mode of education and other regular deeds. For example, now you don’t need to stand in a long queue to pay the bills. You don’t need to visit the banks. In fact, the internet paved the way for e-commerce. Hence you can do shopping even sitting in front of your desktop. You just need to surf and order your favorite article. The item will be delivered in front of your doorsteps.

Now, internet is a widely spread phenomenon in the urban areas. Due to fierce competition between the internet service providers and favorable telecommunication laws from the government we can avail the best of internet service against an affordable price. But internet will start providing the real fruitful result when the people from rural areas will start using like an everyday need.

Ways to provide rural internet service

While discussing about the possible ways to provide rural internet service, it is essential to know the modes, which can provide the service. Firstly, internet service can be provided through the desktops and laptops. Secondly, people can avail the internet services through smart phones and tablets. Now, smart phones and the tablet PCs are quite cheap and even the people from rural areas are using that. Compared to that, laptops and desktops are less used electronic gadgets. So if the mission to improve the rural internet service needs to be fulfilled the service providers must look to improve the mobile internet system first.

In these days, the service providers provide high speed mobile internet. It is evident that the 3G data packs are costlier than the 2G packs. While 2G data packs are sufficient to fulfill the basic internet needs like chatting and sending e-mails, it is must to opt for the 3G data packs for extensive mobile internet use. It is faster than 2G internet service by multiple times. On other hand, it is also essential to provide the broadband internet service for the PCs and laptops. Empowering the mobile internet doesn’t mean that you neglect the broadband internet system.

In these days, the business satellite internet services are getting popular day by day. In fact the business houses, even in rural areas are showing their interests for satellite internet services because of its low latency performances and favorable price tariffs.

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Author: Business Solution

Business Solution

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