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A Quick Look At The Latest Happenings In The Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market

Author: Rohit Patrick
by Rohit Patrick
Posted: Nov 04, 2018

Americas held the largest market share in the Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market:

Americas region holds the largest market share in Food Diagnostic Equipment Market, and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 4.5% to reach $1.37 billion. Ironically, the same Americas region accounts for the largest market share in Food Consumables Market, and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 7.60% to reach $1.67 billion by 2023. However, APAC region registers highest growth rate for both Food Diagnostic Equipment Market and Consumables Market and is anticipated to touch $1.36 billion at a CAGR of 8.0% and $1.39 billion at a CAGR of 11.1% during the forecast period. Americas Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Markets are driven by rising foodborne illness cases annually, free global trade activity, and consumer awareness.

Selected Pricing Analysis was done in the Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market report:

  • The Food diagnostic equipment has been segmented into eight product segments, namely: Chromatography Systems, Mass Spectrometry Systems, Hybrid Systems, PCR Equipment, ELISA Equipment, Flow Cytometry Systems, NMR Systems, and Others (Data Systems, Autosamplers, and so on). The data systems and autosamplers are integrated with the rest of the medical diagnostic equipment and are also bought separately to operate. The pricing of all the equipment is entirely different as the size, configuration, operations, lifetime of this equipment are diverse.
  • The demand for food diagnostic equipment market continues to grow with the increasing food testing service providers. In the coming years, there will be huge scope for rapid and hybrid systems such as PCR, ELISA. These systems have improvised the testing procedure, facilitating faster results. Hence, the classic methods such as chromatography and mass spectrometry, which are being replaced by these rapid systems, will experience a slight decline in the pricing. The hybrid systems, flow cytometry systems will continue to gain demand as there is vast scope for the growth of sophisticated laboratories with expertise in multiple areas of food testing. These systems are used in various analyses and are expensive compared to other equipment. It is projected that the increase in the number of food equipment manufacturers coupled with advancements in technology will bring the prices down.
  • The NMR equipment is only used by the multinational laboratories as the cost of manufacturing set up is huge. There are only a few suppliers in the market who manufacture NMR spectrometers and thus, have the pricing advantage. The price of this equipment is the highest of all and is estimated to grow with the increasing demand from the food testing service providers.

Excerpts on Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market Growth Factors:

  • The key factors that drive the growth for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market are the rising contamination instances which are set to increase food testing demand.
  • The increasing demand for rapid methods is likely to propel Diagnostic equipment and consumables market.
  • PCR equipment is the dominant device type and is anticipated to exhibit the market size of $1.30 million at a CAGR of 7.40% by 2023 due to increasing installations.
  • Food microbiology is the most dominant application in food diagnostics and is estimated to reach $1.58 billion at a CAGR of 7.2% by 2023.
  • Reagents are the dominant consumable types and is expected to reach $2.36 billion by 2023 at a CAGR of 8.5%.
  • Immunoassay and Hybrid systems are also poised to exhibit faster growth as these are rapid analytical systems that hold huge potential for growth.
  • Agilent Technologies Inc. also introduced a rapid pathogen detection system, namely: AriaMx system. This system provides easily exchangeable optics cartridges for genotyping for PCR equipment facilitating quicker results. Similarly, the Hybrid systems, Immunoassay systems are also being employed with rapid methods.
  • By 2020, 1,69,635 units of PCR equipment are estimated to be shipped globally, while that of Immunoassay systems are estimated to reach 1,77,844 units at 5.2% and 4.7% CAGR, respectively.

To access/purchase the Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market report browse the link below:

Key players of Wireline Services Market:

  • The top five suppliers in the market are Agilent Technologies Inc., Thermo Fisher Inc., Shimadzu Corporation, PerkinElmer Inc., and Bruker Corporation. Others include manufacturers such as Bio-Rad Laboratories, AB SCIEX, Neogen Corporation, and Waters Corporation. Agilent Technologies Inc., Thermo Fisher Inc., Shimadzu Corporation, PerkinElmer Inc., and Bruker Corporation together constituted 52.6% of the market share
  • The global food diagnostic equipment market is fragmented. However, the top five players constitute significant share owing to the wide distribution network, brand reputation and positioning of the product. Other major players such as Waters Corporation, AB SCIEX, and others have a considerable share in the market.
  • Agilent Technologies Inc. and Thermo Fisher Inc. accounted for the considerable share in the market, owing to their strong focus on food safety segment. They are striving to increase their market share by launching new products.
  • Thermo Fisher Inc. had made collaborations and acquisitions, apart from launching six products to increase its revenues from the food safety segment. Agilent Technologies Inc. launched five products, out of which four were hybrid systems. The company launched 6400 LC/MS system, Q-TOF GC/MS System, 5977A Series GC/MSD, and GC-MS system which are used for varied applications of food testing. There are many small and medium equipment and consumable manufacturers existing in the market, which account for 47.6%, the highest share.

Companies such as Gene-Probe Inc., Thermo Fisher Inc., Agilent Technologies Inc., major Universities such as National Cheng Kung University, Seoul National University Industry were the key innovators.

Other companies such as Novartis AG, 3M Company, bioMérieux also recorded patents.

Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market Report is segmented as indicated below:

  • Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market By Equipment Type:
  1. Chromatographs
  2. Spectrometers
  3. PCRS
  4. Others
  • Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market By Consumable Type
  1. Test Kit
  2. Reagents
  3. Labware
  • Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market By Analysis
  1. Microbiology
  2. Chemistry
  3. GMO
  4. Others
  • Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market By Geography (Covers 12 + Countries)
  • Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market By Entropy

Companies Cited/Referenced/Interviewed in Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market:

  • Charm Sciences Inc;
  • Biomerieux SA
  • Du Pont De Nemours
  • Roka Bioscience
  • Qiagen N.V.
  • Perkin Elmer Inc;
  • IDEXX Laboratories Inc;
  • Foss A/S
  • Danaher Corporation
  • Ametek Inc;
  • Company 11
  • Company 12
  • Company 13
  • Company 15+

What can you expect from the report?

The Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market is Prepared with the Main Agenda to Cover the following 20 points:

  1. Market Size by Product Categories
  2. Market trends
  3. Manufacturer Landscape
  4. Distributor Landscape
  5. Pricing Analysis
  6. Top 10 End-user Analysis
  7. Product Benchmarking
  8. Product Developments
  9. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis
  10. Patent Analysis
  11. Demand Analysis (By Revenue & Volume)
  12. Country-level Analysis (15+)
  13. Competitor Analysis
  14. Market Shares Analysis
  15. Value Chain Analysis
  16. Supply Chain Analysis
  17. Strategic Analysis
  18. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis
  19. Opportunity Analysis
  20. Revenue and Volume Analysis


Does IndustryARC publish country, geography or application based reports in Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Market?

Yes, we do have separate reports as mentioned below:

  1. Americas Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Growth(2018-2023)
  2. Europe Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Forecast (2018-2023)
  3. APAC Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Size (2018-2023)
  4. RoW Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables Insights (2018-2023)
  5. Chromatographs Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables (2018-2023)
  6. Spectrometers Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables (2018-2023)
  7. PCRS Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables (2018-2023)
  8. Test Kit Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables (2018-2023)
  9. Reagents Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables (2018-2023)
  10. Test Kit Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables (2018-2023)
  11. Labware Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables (2018-2023)
  12. Microbiology Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables (2018-2023)
  13. Chemistry Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables (2018-2023)
  14. GMO Market for Food Diagnostic Equipment and Consumables (2018-2023)

Does IndustryARC customize these reports and charge additionally for limited customization?

Yes, we can customize the report by extracting data from our database of reports and annual subscription databases. We can provide the following free customization:

  1. Increase the level of data in the application or end-user industry.
  2. Increase the number of countries in geography chapter.
  3. Find out market shares for other smaller companies or companies which are of interest to you.
  4. Company profiles can be requested based on your interest.
  5. Patent analysis, pricing, product analysis, product benchmarking, value and supply chain analysis can be requested for a country or end-use segment.

Any other major customizations can be discussed with our team, we can provide a separate quote based on your requirement. You can drop in an e-mail to to discuss more about our consulting services.

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IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting Firm that publishes more than 500 reports annually, in various industries such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, Life sciences & Healthcare.

About the Author

IndustryArc is a Research and Consulting Firm that publishes more than 500 reports annually, in various industries such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation

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Author: Rohit Patrick

Rohit Patrick

Member since: Oct 10, 2018
Published articles: 112

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