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What is Rheumatoid Arthritis and what are its Symptoms

Author: Yamini Rai
by Yamini Rai
Posted: Dec 15, 2018

RA or Rheumatoid arthritis is an ailment which is autoimmune in nature. In this disease, the immune system of the body, which is responsible for protecting from the attack of foreign bodies like bacteria, viruses, and others attack the various joints of the body. This result is inflammation, which makes the tissues lying inside the joints to thicken. This causes in pain and swelling around the joints.

How does it happen?

If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, then the immune system in your body by mistake keeps on sending the foreign elements to the joint linings. This is where they attack the tissue which surrounds the joints. This causes the cell’s thin layers to sore and they start releasing chemicals which can damage the nearby areas, which includes:

  • Bones
  • Tendons: It is a tissue which connects the muscles to the bone
  • Cartilage: It is a type of tissue which is stretchy in nature and lies between the bones
  • Ligaments: It is a tissue which connects the cartilage with the bone.

What Could the Consequences Be?

If this condition is not treated at an early stage and the inflammation remains unchecked, then the cartilage and the elastic tissue can get damaged. Here are some of the effects

  • It might result in the loss of cartilage over a period of time. The spacing of joints which lies between the bones can get thinner.
  • The joints in the body can become unstable, loose.
  • It can result in tremendous pain and there are chances of losing mobility
  • There are chances of joint deformity to occur.

In order to avoid all these sufferings, it is always advisable to go for rheumatoid arthritis treatment right at an early stage

What are the Possible Risk Factors?

There are a couple of things which could increase the chances of you having rheumatoid arthritis. They include

  • Genes: It has been clinically proven that when it comes to rheumatoid arthritis, it has a lot to do with genes of the family. However, it is believed that the chances of inheriting this condition are quite low as genes play a negligible role in this disease
  • Hormones: This ailment is more common in women. This is due to the effect of the hormone estrogen. However, it has not yet been clinically proven.
  • Smoking: There are many cases which have suggested that those who smoke are at the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis

What are the Symptoms?

Do you think you have been attacked by rheumatoid arthritis? Then look for the following symptoms

  • Stiffness: You would experience stiffness in your joints and will find harder to move them
  • Swelling: You will find your joints have swelled up
  • Pain: Since inflammation occurs internally, it causes severe pain
  • Warmth and Redness: You would start feeling warmth at the joints of your body and would notice a gradual color change which occurs due to inflammation.

People tend to avoid these symptoms and they try home remedies for knee pain and various other means. However, if you are looking for permanent relief, in that case, you have no other option but to consult an expert.

You might get temporary relief through back pain treatment; however, that’s not going to last long. Rush to a doctor the moment you start experiencing these symptoms. You would require proper medication.

About the Author

Yamini is a lifestyle writer and she enjoys playing chess

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Author: Yamini Rai

Yamini Rai

Member since: May 26, 2017
Published articles: 8

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