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How to get an edge over your Competitors?

Author: Enhance Rank
by Enhance Rank
Posted: Jan 14, 2019

Not getting good ranking or quality traffic? Worry not! We have aa solution for you.

Has it ever happened with you that a few days back you were getting good rankings and high numbers of customer visits but suddenly the number has dropped down? Do you want to figure out the reasons?

Well the reason is clear. Isn’t it? Your competitors are offering your customers better quality services and products. All the customers in today’s market are rational and want best quality at minimum price. So why would a customer settle for anything less. Cheer up!! It’s not that difficult to get your customers and visitors back. All you need to do is follow a few simple hacks and do a little bit of smart work.

In order to find a solution to the problem lets identify the problem first.


In this generation where nearly everything has gone online from paying of bills to entertainment to doing business, if you want your business to develop and grow you must have a strong position online. An admirable online presence would give you an edge over competitors in terms of customer base but at the same time poor online undertaking will lead to an immense loss top your business and your company’s reputation. Any technical glitch, change in google algorithm or poor optimization can lead to misplacement of your company’s ranking.

Here are the few reasons why your website traffic is dropping: -

  1. Recent Website Changes: Any changes made in the website not adequately understood by customers or not seen well by the search engines might be the cause losing customers.
  2. Website’s structural design: If your website is not designed properly or is complex to go through, customer is more likely to perform competitor’s website with easy laid out structure.
  3. Trends Overlooked: Is there any new trend being followed by your competitor that you are not? Maybe those trends are helping your customers better.
  4. Source of traffic: If your traffic has dropped suddenly there can be many reasons behind it. Either your search engines aren’t indexing you in the same way as before or they changed the way they used to index your website. If your paid traffic is dropping, it means your ads aren’t effective anymore.
  5. Tracking code: One of the most overlooked issues about traffic drop is a change or issues with the tracking code of the website.
  6. Updates: Any of the Google updates about its algorithms that you missed might cause a severe effect on your visitor traffic.


Before getting started with the solutions let’s have a look on the major aspects


Keyword research is one of the most valuable, important and high return activity for all SEO based and SEO related companies. If you can master the art of finding perfect keywords you will not only be benefitted by increased search engine traffic but will also have a much better insight into your customer’s mind compared to your competitor.


Creating more audience-oriented content will help you focusing on the needs of the customers. If the content written is customized according to the need of the customer, the message conveyed would be clearer and will appeal more to the audience. Moreover, it will give your customers a reason to prefer your website over competitors.


A very simple process to identify the competitors is by typing a few main words in the search engine and then keeping a track of the first few top ranked websites. Thereafter, you can check what the design and quality of their website. Using all these you can make a list of your competitors.

Now that we have identified all the problems let’s go and recognize them and start working on it.

About the Author

EnhanceRank is a Best Digital Marketing Solutions Company in Delhi, India. The Agency provides the complete Digital Marketing Solutions in India and Offshore.

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Author: Enhance Rank

Enhance Rank

Member since: Jan 11, 2019
Published articles: 1

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