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I Used To Be a Holistic Nutritionist

Author: Starz Speak
by Starz Speak
Posted: Jan 19, 2019

What is the true meaning of "Holistic Nutrition" in this age of widespread Internet authority, where a quick search on "Google" can and often undermines deductive reasoning, experience and well-sought data?

Holistic is a term conceived at the beginning of the 20th century to describe inclusiveness or holism. It refers to the notion that reality is an interconnected whole and focuses on the total entity and interdependence of the various parts of a whole.

Holistic Nutrition education in itself is not a new "science". The word as we know it today finds its roots in Latin and the translation of the original which means "FEED". It has become widely known that several ancient cultures practiced the use of food as medicine since 3000 BC in the fertile Nile region. As Geoffrey Cannon put it, in his 2005 article in the Journal of Public Health Nutrition, "Emperor Huang Ti around 2500 BC, and of the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, also emphasizes the importance of certain dietary patterns, foods and drinks, and plants with medicines. " qualities, to prevent and treat illnesses and also as spiritual, moral, emotional and mentally enlightened forms of life. "705)

Now, as practitioners of holistic nutrition, we would never say that our practice would raise our moral standards or that we pretend to be the providers of illumination, but most likely we are bound by a very clear code of ethics and a well-defined field of practice. consider both ancient wisdom introduced into a modern world, overwhelmed by a growing tsunami of chronic diseases, and associated with the methods of modern research.

Holistic nutrition is not just about whole foods, it's about what makes the United States a whole. To be clear, the safest thing is that it's not about throwing the superfood of the day into a complex health problem, together with the promise to eliminate it; Not only because, like other health care education modalities, we do not make promises, but because such affirmation does not make any logical sense to anyone.

Holistic Nutrition Benefit is about how we see the person as a whole. Looking at health through a holistic lens is not like looking through a telescope, with its unique viewfinder that allows the extension of a distant object, its field of vision, narrow and its depth of field, flat. A better analogy is to look through a set of binoculars. Although they are still able to see things from a distance and to focus on a chosen singular object, the two viewers allow to unite the perspective in three dimensions, focusing on surrounding objects that may, from time to time, have had, or continue to have, an effect about the object under examination.

Holistic nutrition is certainly not a simple case of once sick, and now, good. There is a great chasm between the two, a distance that extends over time, short for some, decades for others, that is created in shocking increments of seconds, minutes, days, months and even years. This distance, over time, indicates that there is a possibility that this process may move as if traveling a continuum and at various points along this spectrum we find ourselves moving towards welfare or moving away from it. Health and illness do not occur in a straight line, and the journey is never the same for two people.

Since Holistic Nutrition looks at the whole person and is NOT solely interested in food, food as the means through which the body can, and if it is in a state of homeostasis, obtains isolated usable nutrients, we are also interested in the How, when, where, why and with whom, of each individual we see. This is where we find OUR science. Not just hard science, but a fabric of hard science and social science. This combination of the two allows us to celebrate the results of research that promote longevity, connection, culture, both old and new, the good and the bad of each, and, of course, we consider foods, whole foods.

As proof of this combination, CSNN provides its students with a balanced curriculum in social sciences and social sciences. The first is represented through courses in anatomy, physiology, pathology, chemistry and biochemistry, which demonstrate how nutrients are used in body processes, pathways and protection. The social sciences, defined by the study of individuals, individually and in groups, their customs and relationships, are studied respectively in courses focused on prevention, stages of life, ecology and symptomatology. The symptomatology, with its main focus on the reports and the identification of health problems, symptoms and general welfare of the individual, is in itself a perfect combination of both hard and social science.

Our investment in the search for quality research conducted by accredited people who have been judged based on their credentials and links to accredited institutions, gives us answers in various ways. As professionals of holistic nutrition, we make sure that the research we use, developed from original questions or hypotheses, has been tested and replicated by others. This need for confirmation is met by individual experimental studies or review articles, a rigorous and systematic method that assimilates a collection of research publications on a particular subject. Systematic reviews are well placed within the research hierarchy and allow solid, firm and qualified decisions.

According to other health professions, Holistic Nutrition education Professionals, when they obtain valid research, will seek both quantitative and qualitative research. The first one identified by its rich representation of numerically presented data, the second focused on a deep understanding of the reasons and meaning of the results. A well-written systematic review should provide a professional with both. These reliable and credible, action-based studies carried out and evaluated in practical circumstances should be transferable to the relevant context, specifically the primary or accumulated health problems of the individual.

You see, we consider that holistic nutrition is a well-built framework. A framework that results in client-centered, individualized, and evidence-based practices, and leads to informed and well-educated choices for YOU and your current challenges.

From our point of view, the definition of holistic nutrition lies in the association established between the client and the professional. It is about focusing the whole person, past and present, internal and external.

About the Author

Narendra Modi is India's 15th prime minister, who has been in office since May 26, 2014. Mr modi was the prime minister of Gujarat three times between 2001 and 2014.

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Author: Starz Speak

Starz Speak

Member since: Sep 04, 2018
Published articles: 35

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