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Concept Research Paper

Posted: Jan 17, 2019

This essay presents the concept of respect.
Every person desires to have respect, yet many lack it and only a few people are willing to show it to others. Most people indicate that they want ‘just a little bit of respect’ and most people should show how to give this to others. However, in most cases people fail to show respect. One of the reasons for this is that respect is a concept that many people may not understand. Therefore, this essay discusses the answer to the question "what is respect?"
The dictionary’s definition of the term respect is that it is an act of showing and giving particular attention or special regard towards another person. Runciman (2010) defines respect as an attribute measured by the extent of esteem one gives to the self or to the others or how one gives a sense of worth or excellence to him/herself or another person. In other words, Runciman defines respect as the condition of being honored. Apparently, the above definitions do not elaborate what respect exactly is. However, I believe that respect is a general component that can be broken down to address three main issues.
The first kind of respect is respect towards others. Others, in this case, include parents, teachers, peer, and any other person. It can be by adding sir or ma’am at the end of a sentence when addressing them. Respect in this case also means obeying the rules of teachers of not being rowdy in the school hallways and class. It also means respecting what they stand for and their ideas. Thus, in such a case, respect is the aspect that brings all people together, or lack of it tears people apart.
The second bond element of respect is showing respect to the property. It comprises of anything from stealing equipment of a department store or writing on the school desks. The property, be it for a company, stranger’s schools, friends or home needs respect. Respect of property also means driving a car within the speed limit to avoid hitting anything or anyone. It also means not smashing pumpkins during a Halloween festival to have fun. Also, it means not throwing litter and fruit peelings on the ground. Thus, respect also relates to property.
Last, it is crucial for a person to respect his or herself/ in such an instance, one has to respect their personal opinions and to hold your head high at all times. It is acknowledging that you have personal ideas, and you can freely share them because you do not fear what others may think about you. Respect for oneself also means not letting other things and peer pressure get in your way of thinking. Self-respect also means respect towards one’s body. We should get rest when we feel exhausted, respect towards one body as a temple of God and respect regarding what we consume and the quantity we consume. Therefore, respect for oneself is the most important compared to the other two because the lack of this respect also means not respecting others and their property.
The above paragraphs have exhaustively shown the various dimensions of respect, in the following paragraphs I discuss the importance of respect, how to master the art of respect and how such respects can be shown.
Respect is a very important virtue for a student, a parent, a teacher or in general for any member of the society. It is respect that creates responsible and resourceful citizens. Respected citizens are full of morals and patriotism. They respect their nation, its government, its citizens, its resources and at no time they will sell their nation to the enemy. As such, respect is an important quality that defines a good citizen (Runciman, 2010).
Secondly, I believe respect is a vital attribute that help us gain success in life. For instance, there is no way a politician can gain fame if he fails to respect the needs of the citizens that he/she represents in parliament. A businessman or woman will never succeed unless he/she maintains terms with the organization’s shareholders. He/she will have to make his/her workers respect the shareholders, the suppliers and more importantly, the customers of the firm. Respect is what attracts a customer to the firm or an investor to the company. As such, I believe that respect is most crucial to a person than a lot of assets.
Respect is what makes a good peaceful society. It is a generous element of appreciation which limits hurting another person’s feelings. Specifically, respect for a virtue prompts people to treat others as they would like to be treated (Runciman, 2010). Respect is also important to make better relations between workers and employers. It is a virtue that shows a sense of professionalism on the side of workers. Respectful people are obedient to rules and regulations. As such, it is unlikely to find a respectful worker getting fired. Similarly, respectful employers know what is good or viable to their workers. They define the limits and conditions that protect the workers life when in duty. As a matter of fact, workers who feel respected are highly immobile (Medina, 2009).
How to master the art of respect
The following are some of the elements that create a person of respect.
First is leading by example. A person who wants to earn respect or give respect starts by illustration. People have such a nature that when they see someone else utilizing an idea positively, they will be willing to follow. As such, if one respects the people around him/her he inspires them to do so (Medina, 2009).
Secondly, a person who wants to master the solid nature of respect lives by the Golden Rule which states "treat others as you desire to be treated." For instance, a parent who wants to teach respect to his/her children will avoid signs of disrespect such as yelling, use of nasty tones or even the demonstration of defensive body languages.
Third is listening. Listening is a vital subset of respect. As such, a person will feel respected if he/she is allowed free room to share his/her thoughts and feelings to attentive people. It is acceptable to disagree but not to demean. Giving space for a person to air his/her views in a meeting is also a good sign of respect (Runciman, 2010).
Last but not least, before showing respect to others, it’s good that one masters the art of self-respect. It is most probable that when attention and encouragement be given we see positive images of ourselves. However, when the opposite happens, we feel incompetent, or unworthy. That should not happen. Apparently, self-respect has marked the heart of respect for others. It’s thus positive to identify and appreciate one’s strengths and accept the vulnerabilities. That makes it easier to respect truly others (Medina, 2009).
How to show respect: the simple secrets
Below are a few ways through which respect can be shown.
1. Showing gratitude.
Showing gratitude means thanking people for their support. Sometimes a person may have done a lot to you but a small word of thanks makes him/she regain the energy to do even more. Such a person may have been paid a lot of the large amount of work he has done. Thanking people who have supported us in the great journey to success is very important and strengthens our bonds (Runciman, 2010).
2. Complimenting the achievements of others
Respect can also be a shown through celebrating the success of peers. Recognizing or drawing attention when others put forth extra effort to achieve with full sincerity shows respect for their hard work.
3. Do what you said you will do
Respect for others can also be shown through avoiding a breach of contracts with them. A person who commits him/herself to an event but fails to re-appear provokes bad feelings from the other person. He/she can thus be said to be disrespectful of the other’s feelings. As a matter of fact, being reliable shows that a person respects another person’s time, enthusiasm and effort (Medina, 2009).
4. Offer people assistance
Sometimes, it appears that a person may be the only hope of the people. That is more apparent in business whereby the employees will always look upon the manager or supervisor for advice, instructions or any other personal assistance that they may need. Respect of their hopes can at this moment be shown through rising and be there for them. To a friend, respect can be shown through volunteering to help them in assignments or to be with them in times of their grief or when they are going through a rough patch. Respect is also shown by always being attentive to listen and help a person seek help from others when you are unable to help directly them (Medina, 2009).
Although there are many other qualities that make a good child, a good student, a good teacher or a good citizenship which are vital to making them succeed in life, I believe respect is capable of outweighing all of them all. This is a simple virtue though very meaningful.
Respect can be divided into many levels as it appears. However, there are three basic dimensions through which respect can be viewed. They include respect for others, respect for property and respect for one’s self. If one learns these three levels of respect, then he/she can be said to have mastered the art of respect. Respect is very important. For one, it is the basis of a peaceful society. A society with people who are willing and able to respect each other is the richest nation. Its people are successful and are rarely engaged in wrangles that might lead to shaking the economy. There are many ways that one can show respect to others. They include appreciating the help of others through a word of thanks, celebrating the success of others, fulfilling one’s promises, assisting others just to mention a few.
Medina, S. (2009). Respect others, respect you. Chicago, Ill: Heinemann Library.
Runciman, G. (2010). Sociology in its place. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in Buy Term Papers Online if you need a similar paper you can place your order for a custom research paper from Custom Research Paper Writing.
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