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Most Common Things That Damage Car Paint

Author: Network Auto Body
by Network Auto Body
Posted: Feb 18, 2019

Cars are very costly assets. The one who owns them always take good care of their cars. But no matter how hard you try there are few things that can damage car paint. The majority of the common causes of car paint harm are tragically unavoidable. While car paints today are made using high tech strategies and innovations that have enhanced strength after some time nature inflicts significant damage with splitting and fading. However, there are steps you can take to make your car paint last more. Continue reading to find out about the most harmful things for your car's paint:

Tree Sap

Leaving your car under a tree may appear to be an extraordinary thought in the summer. After all, it’ll be shaded, and shouldn't feel excessively like an oven when you get inside. However, in addition to forgetting about leaves and dust oftentimes, you'll likewise need to deal with tree sap. Whenever left to sit on your car’s exterior, it can eat directly through the paint's reasonable coat, prompting unattractive discoloration. If you see tree sap on your car, Make sure to take your care to Auto body repair shop immediately to avoid damage


When your car is continually exposed to temperature changes, the paint will grow and contract with the modifications in temperature. After some time, this will result in little splits and openings that will permit the penetration of dampness, salt, and different synthetic substances that will cause rust and quick decay of the paint.

Droppings and Eggs of Birds

Droppings and Birds eggs can be very damaging to car paint. They normally contain synthetic concoctions that dissolve paint and uncover the basic layers. Therefore, it is vital to expel these wrecks when they happen.

Sharp Objects

Sharp items, for example, keys, scissors, blades, and razors will make harm car paint. These items are frequently used by vandals on cars that are left without assistance for the long term.


A new rain shower helps your grass and garden. Sadly, it can likewise damage your car! The air contamination that joins rain makes your car really grimy. That dirtied rain is likewise acidic—not useful for your paint! Continuous Rain can likewise cause rust.

Gas and Brake Fluid

These fluids from different parts of the car must be avoided. If either is permitted to reach the painted surface, it will make the paint to strip off.


Okay, this one is somewhat out of your control. Since regardless of how alert you are with your car's exterior, there's no accounting for other individuals' activities. Parking areas can be the trickiest regions here. Not just somebody might scratch the paint; they could likewise hit it with a shopping basket.

Maintaining a strategic distance from things that can damage car paint isn't simple, and usually, it is absolutely unavoidable. If your paint is damaged, trust the experts Network Auto body to fix the harm. Auto body repair shop ensures our crewmembers can fix the harm and have your ride looking great as new by any means.

About the Author

Network Auto Body INC. is amongst the certified & authorized auto body repair shops serving in Los Angeles, Valencia, North Hollywood, Santa Clarita & Fernando Valley for years.

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Author: Network Auto Body

Network Auto Body

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